Anderson Angelina Bexar Bosque Bowie Burleson Cass Cherokee Clay Coke Comal Cooke Coryell Delta Denton Dickens Eastland Ellis Erath Fannin Franklin Freestone Gonzales Grayson Gregg Guadalupe Hardin Harrison Hemphill Henderson Hockley Hood Hopkins Houston Howard Hunt Jack Jackson Jasper Jeffdavis Johnson Kinney Lamar Lamb Lampasas Lee Leon Liberty Lubbock Marion Matagorda Mills Montgomery Morris Nacogdoches Newton Orange Palo Pinto Panola Parker Pecos Polk Randall Red River Roberts Rusk Sabine San Augustine San Jacinto Smith Sutton Tarrant Throckmorton Tom Green Travis Trinity Tyler Upshur Van Zandt Victoria Walker Wharton Wilbarger Williamson Wise Wood
Palo Pinto County Texas (Class B) BFRO
I was recently discussing your web site with a friend and was directed to the sounds that were recorded and placed on your web site. Initially I laughed it off. At least until I heard the Ohio Howl. I...
December 1994
Palo Pinto County Texas (Class B) BFRO
It was early July of 1988, and I was a Boy Scout at Worth Ranch for Summer Camp in Palo Pinto, Texas. I didn't see much but a white figure shooting behind a grove of trees on top of a nearby rocky ...
July 1988
Palo Pinto County Texas (Class B) BFRO
I was 14-15 years old. My father and I were camping with another father and son along the Brazos River. It was after midnight and my friend and I were running a trotline we had stretched across the ri...
June 1977
Palo Pinto County Texas (Class A) BFRO
It was 1969, and I was at summer camp at age 14. I was one of about 20 campers and two counselors that went on a 3 day, 2 night canoe/camping trip down the Brazos River. We put in just below the d...
July 1969