Adams Ashland Barron Bayfield Burnett Calumet Clark Crawford Dane Dodge Door Dunn Florence Forest Iowa Iron Jackson La Crosse Langlade Lincoln Manitowoc Marathon Marinette Marquette Menominee Milwaukee Oconto Oneida Ozaukee Polk Price Sawyer Shawano St. Croix Trempealeau Vilas Washington Waukesha Wood
Waukesha County Wisconsin (Class B) BFRO
I am writing this report for a family member of mine. The witness to the bigfoot was driving in her vehicle on her way home from work. The route she takes is all country back roads. She was going up a...
July 2010
Waukesha County Wisconsin (Class B) BFRO
Hello, I am reluctant to place this report; for two reasons, one the siting was from my son when he was about six or seven, and it happened in a populated area. At the time I lived with my grandmothe...
August 1997