Denton County, Texas

Near Denton

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Denton County Texas (Class B) BFRO

November 2017

My son and I went trespassing up the Greenbelt Trail north of HWY 380, which has been closed for a couple years I believe due to flooding. A mile up the trail, we heard a distinct knock, though the distance almost made it sound like two rocks clacking together. My son also said he heard a whistle. As we retreated back to the parking lot, I snapped several pictures aiming behind me over my shoulder. One of the pics may have caught something interesting? It appears, to me, to be a figure crouching next to a tree, with exposed skin on the face.

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Denton County Texas (Class B) BFRO

Possible tracks found along the Greenbelt Corridor outside Denton

I live in Frisco Texas, and me a friend go kayaking at the greenbelt quite often, Denton county, it connects lakes Lewisville and lake Rayroberts together, We started kayking and probably went about 2...

April 2008

Denton County Texas (Class B) BFRO

Man recalls being spooked by loud vocalization near McKinney Bridge Road

Late one summer night in 1990 two friends and myself were riding around the backroads between Pilot Point and Aubrey, Texas. B was driving J and myself around in his new Chevy truck. All 3 of us were ...

September 1990

Denton County Texas (Class B) BFRO

Suburban Flower Mound resident startled by possible wood knocks close to home in early morning

Approx. 3:40am, Dec. 20, 2017 went outside before work. Across from my house is all country, Corps of Engineer land, north end of Grapevine Lake, Denton County, Texas. Across the road of my house mayb...

December 2017

Siskiyou County California (Class A) BFRO

Neighboring Dogs Bark When Loud Vocalizations Heard

It was a loud piercing sound, that lasted approximately 22 minutes. These sounds were at 5 to 6 second intervals which lasted about 4 to 5 seconds each. At first there was one distinct sound, (screami...

August 1998

Snohomish County Washington (Class A) BFRO

A hairy Man-like creature is spotted in a field, close to the road

From about fifty yards away I spotted a hairy man-like creature standing in a field next to the road. It was very large and standing upright, it was about 6 ft. to 7 ft. tall, it had broad shoulders a...

July 1988

Houston County Texas (Class A) BFRO

While looking into the woods witness saw creature watching them

This parcel of land was where all of us kids would play at. No adults ever came out so we were free to do what we wanted. One day my cousin and I went out to this pond that was in the middle of this l...

January 1980

Pierce County Washington (Class A) BFRO

Civil War Reenactor sees bigfoot cross railroad tracks

A Bigfoot-like creature was seen at a distance of 20 feet at midnight. Creature stepped out in front of person who was walking along some railroad tracks then the creature crossed the tracks and disap...

June 1991

Washington County Minnesota (Class A) BFRO

While bowhunting, man saw creature walking

I was bowhunting and just sitting in my stand looking around and it walked about 75 yards away. It was a long time ago and I did not know about Bigfoot at that time and told my partner I had seen a sw...

September 1972

Hot Spring County Arkansas (Class A) BFRO

Nightime sighting by motorists on Hwy 7 North

A tall (7-8 feet) furry creature was observed walking (on two legs) across the highway, at the outer limits of the high beams on my car. As we passed the spot where the creature crossed the road, we s...

October 1996

Okaloosa County Florida (Class A) BFRO

Sighting by Five witnesses of a large, humanoid form.

At Dusk, 4 people and myself witness a comotion in woods nearby. Sounds as if something large is approaching. As it gets closer we see a large humanoid form and flee. This thing is big, upright, and d...

January 1996

Marion County Florida (Class A) BFRO

a daylight sighting by a family on a camping trip

My family and I were hiking on a nature walk in the forest. When we walked across a small bridge over a stream. We stopped to rest and i allowed my two sons to go explore. A few minutes later they ret...

July 1997