Trinity County California (Class B) BFRO
August 2009
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Trinity County California (Class B) BFRO
It was approx. 2 a.m. on a cool dark quiet night. My wife, kids, and me were all in rear of trailer sleeping, which we had rented for the week. We had opened the windows all around the trailer, becaus...
August 2001
Trinity County California (Class B) BFRO
In Feb. 1977, a friend, his two older brothers, and his younger cousin and I went backpacking in the Trinity Alps area near Shasta Ca. I was 17 at the time, and would regularly take time off from high...
February 1977
Trinity County California (Class B) BFRO
Was hiking/running the Stuart Fork trail (Trinity Alps)yesterday, and came upon about a dozen footprints right where the trail enters Morris Meadows. The trail gets very heavy use (tho didnt see anyon...
October 2003
Trinity County California (Class A) BFRO
I was working in the northern part of New Mexico training to be a Wildland Fire Fighter. In September 2003 (maybe the second week of that month) I was dispatched with 22 other people to the Del Loma F...
September 2003
Ontario Canada (Class A) BFRO
From the Sioux Lookout Bulletin Volume 6 number 36 Wednesday July 2, 1997 a story by John Lynch. (Refer to Media Article #69 for full text of newspaper article)....
July 1997
New Brunswick Canada (Class A) BFRO
We were camping in late spring 1983 near Mills Creek. At approx. 7am we were awakened by our 2 dogs running into our lean-too. We had to force the dogs outside only to see them cower under our legs an...
January 1983
Marion County Missouri (Class A) BFRO
I was riding a four wheeler at my aunts out in the country. On an old gravel road I saw something that appeared to be a dog two-hundered yards ahead of me in a corn feild on my right side. As I got cl...
June 1997
Greene County Ohio (Class A) BFRO
About two weeks ago while driving on I-675 northbound inside Greene co, coming toward Dayton, Ohio I looked in a corn field. I observed a dark-colored figure in the middle of the field, the top of the...
June 2002
Hot Spring County Arkansas (Class A) BFRO
I was squirrel hunting/scouting for deer signs when I came to the top of a small hill. About 50 yards below me was a large, dark colored creature walking on 2 legs following a fence row. I watched it ...
October 1998
Siskiyou County California (Class A) BFRO
It was a loud piercing sound, that lasted approximately 22 minutes. These sounds were at 5 to 6 second intervals which lasted about 4 to 5 seconds each. At first there was one distinct sound, (screami...
August 1998
Snohomish County Washington (Class A) BFRO
From about fifty yards away I spotted a hairy man-like creature standing in a field next to the road. It was very large and standing upright, it was about 6 ft. to 7 ft. tall, it had broad shoulders a...
July 1988
Houston County Texas (Class A) BFRO
This parcel of land was where all of us kids would play at. No adults ever came out so we were free to do what we wanted. One day my cousin and I went out to this pond that was in the middle of this l...
January 1980