Orleans County, New York

Near Albion

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Orleans County New York (Class B) BFRO

August 2002

The town of Albion is small, there are woods, fields & streams just on the outskirts of town. With the time being around 2:00am in the morning, there were no sounds of any traffic or industrial sounds. The weather was excellent; no clouds, not the slightest breeze. My girlfriend and I had turned in for bed at around 1:30-1:45 am. We were talking to each other, just little chit chat when we both heard a far off howl/moan! At that time of night and that there was no wind to disturb the trees and hamper what we heard, it sounded like it came from the south maybe a mile or a mile and a half. The sound started low and kept going up in pitch for about 5 seconds. We both looked at each other and said "What the hell was that?!" Now what really freaked us out is that it did it again, only at around 6-7 seconds! It was like, "Ooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh-----" Now I consider myself an excellent observer with a very keen ear. I can hear things that most people either don't, or just overlook. What we...

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Orleans County New York (Class A) BFRO

Husband and wife see animal near garbage dump

Hi, in the end of Jan. 2003 my wife and I were spotlighting for deer and coyotes in Waterport NY. We were driving my 4x4 truck through the apple orchards. The lane went through a large hedge row with ...

January 2003

Orleans County New York (Class A) BFRO

Morning sighting by motorist at railroad crossing near Median


April 1997

Orleans County New York (Class B) BFRO

Possible vocalizations heard by coon hunters near Clarendon

while coon hunting a few years back me an my hunting partner heard a strange scream like we have never heard before we have heard bobcats,lynx almost anything that makes noise we have heard but on thi...

January 1996

Orleans County New York (Class B) BFRO

Two young boys experience powerful, high-pitched vocalization

I cannot say for sure what this may have been, but I've never heard anything make a "noise" quite like this since, until listening to your audio samples. The area I grew up in is very rural in nature...

May 1992

Osceola County Florida (Class A) BFRO

creature seen in the woods.

Well, on May 21st 1999 I was out in the woods in St. Cloud Florida armadillo hunting with a few friends. My good friend and I wandered off by ourselves and were exploring. As we were walking through t...

May 1999

Pend Oreille County Washington (Class A) BFRO

Nighttime sighting by motorists

7pm, driving from Nelson, BC to Spokane WA, myself & my girlfriend were driving a few miles outside Ione. At the same time, we both noticed something on the highway. We had to stop the car very quickl...

May 1991

Somerset County Pennsylvania (Class A) BFRO

Big, fast moving creature seen near Laurel Hill Turnpike

While returning from a grassy field located off of an old DER road, I had the feeling that I was being watched. I also noticed a stong smell of what can only be described as a cross between body od...

November 1984

Klamath County Oregon (Class A) BFRO

Driver has daylight, road-cross encounter near Chiloquin

Date: 09/19/2004 Time: Approx. 6:00 PM Conditions: Partly Cloudy w/ clear visibility Location: About one mile or less from Cascade Summit Pass on Hwy 138. I had spent the weekend visiting my kid...

September 2004

Walla Walla County Washington (Class A) BFRO

Girl watches large black sasquatch walk down ridge

witness was ridding with some friends up blacksnake ridge in their suv. They came to a stop to spot Elk, The witness Stephanie was looking in an area called laird gulch when she noticed what she said ...

March 2001

Delaware County Oklahoma (Class A) BFRO

Native American elder observes a deer being chased

Video report filmed by Ron Boles and Larry Newman This report was first made known to Larry Newman and I by this man's daughter. Larry and I went to the residence of the witness which is also the loc...

July 2014

Skamania County Washington (Class A) BFRO

Witness saw something he felt confident few men had ever seen

My grandfather whom was familiar with this region and hunted this mountain country yearly by horseback,saw what i believe to be a Pacific Northwest Sasquatch. Although he never would say for sure what...

January 1967

Independence County Arkansas (Class A) BFRO

Duck hunter observes apelike creature across White River

I was duck hunting on the White River in Arkansas from a blind. I saw a large hairy apelike creature across the river flipping over stones and walking oddly. About 100 yards away at the closest. I am ...

November 1999