Marion County Florida (Class B) BFRO

Woman recalls childhood incident -- red eyes looking into window near Withlacoochee River

It was the summer of 1993, and I was five years old. I know my age at the time seems discouraging, but I know what I saw, and I can recap the whole thing like it had happened yesterday. It was a late ...

January 1993

Okaloosa County Florida (Class B) BFRO

Man recounts his possible daytime sighting while bowhunting near Crestview

While bowhunting from a tree stand in a row of trees looking out over a field, I saw a very large animal walking on it's hind legs come out of the woods towards me, turn to its left, walk in front of ...

January 1993

Monroe County Florida (Class B) BFRO

Heard and then chased by creature

I never saw it,...But I heard it and it was an experience I will never forget as long as I live! I was living at The Everglades Institue (on Loop Road, across from that old gas station that is where...

February 1992

Levy County Florida (Class A) BFRO

Woman remembers two visual encounters near Williston


August 1991

Levy County Florida (Class A) BFRO

Bigfoot runs across road, appears to be carrying a small infant Bigfoot

I saw a bigfoot while driving between Bronson and Williston on 27 east, in June of 1991. It was about 4:00 in the afternoon, it was a clear and sunny day. The bigfoot ran about 100 yards across th...

June 1991

Levy County Florida (Class B) BFRO

Family retells documenting a possible mile-long line of tracks north of Yankeetown

My family found a track of footprints on our hunting property. We were able to follow it for over a mile. We casted two prints (a right & left.) We followed the track and found a place where it had go...

January 1991

Brevard County Florida (Class A) BFRO

Memory told of a close encounter while frogging at night on the upper St. Johns River

I was flipping threw the channels last week watching some late night TV when I saw a program called Finding Bigfoot.It brought me back to the day my mind about that giant changed for me.I only told my...

November 1990

Sumter County Florida (Class B) BFRO

Possible sighting in woods separating farms west of Tarrytown

[I] was walking with two other freinds,in the woods, on a sunday afternoon, when we came upon an abbandoned camp site,we decided to take the tent back to my house. [T]he next day me and my dog when...

June 1990

Jackson County Florida (Class A) BFRO

Upright creature seen by 3 men fishing in a boat 3 miles from Greenwood

It happened about 10 or 12 years ago. Myself, nephew and an elderly family friend Terry, were in this swampy wooded area fishing. They were in a small boat, no motor just paddles. As they were fishing...

January 1990

Madison County Florida (Class B) BFRO

Memory told of a possible dusk sighting at a hunting camp near Greenville

My hunting buddy dropped me off at the hunting camp entrance. I was not going to go into the hunting camp, rather decided to hunt along the railroad track bordering the camp along dirt road. We were p...

December 1989

Brevard County Florida (Class A) BFRO

Driver stops car momentarily on Nova Rd., witnesses a 7-8 foot tall dark creature approach his car..

Was about 11pm and had stopped in the middle of the road to go to the bathroom. Nova Road is 30 miles long in cattle country. After 20 seconds of being out of my car, my sister said someone was coming...

September 1989

Volusia County Florida (Class A) BFRO

Sighting by two newspaper deliverymen around 3:30 a.m

A large, hairy, ape-like humanoid standing in the middle of a dirt road at approximately 3:30am. A creature was sighted in the headlights of the witness' pickup truck. As the witnesses stopped their ...

January 1989

Sarasota County Florida (Class A) BFRO

Daylight sighting by fishermen near Venice

Me and my brother was fishing in a local pond for bass on a john boat in the evening and we were just talking back and forth when this thing non human or not a bear bent over from the edge of the palm...

January 1988

Collier County Florida (Class B) BFRO

Possible nightime encounter near Lake Trafford

Immokalee,Florida 1987 - My family and I were in having an evening of fun when we heard a horrible noise coming from the direction of where our dog was outside. My husband went out to investigate beca...

June 1987

Lake County Florida (Class A) BFRO

Memory told of close encounters while working as a fence contractor near Cassia

Hello, I contacted someone from your organization about a year ago regarding my encounter in central Florida back in the middle 80s. I was called away to work and was unable to continue with the call....

April 1987

Union County Florida (Class B) BFRO

Bow hunter describes possible tracks, sounds and scat north of Lake Butler

I was archery hunting in Lake Butler Management area in Baker County, Florida. I had found a hog wallow, and set up a ground blind to cover the main trail coming into the wallow. After about 30 minute...

November 1986

Polk County Florida (Class B) BFRO

Hunter has unexplained, late night encounter while in small boat on Saddle Creek

Hello. i was reading the article the lady wrote from Polk County Fla.I was raised in Lakeland and grew up Hunting in the area around the County dump where the lady also lived or lives. I can tell you ...

September 1986

Clay County Florida (Class A) BFRO

witness observed creature running across the road

My mom was driving down the road going to my grandmother and aunt's house, when she saw it. It ran out into the road, stopped in the headlights for a second, and then continued to run out to the other...

January 1986

Lake County Florida (Class A) BFRO

Night time sighting by motorist on CR 448 near Lake Jem

I no longer live in Lake Co. but I lived there from 1985-1999. I was working the night shift at a local hospital in Leesburg and lived out near Lake Jem area. I was on my way home about 11:15 one ni...

December 1985

Osceola County Florida (Class B) BFRO

Various occurences between Lake Kissimmee and Tiger Lake that may be BF-related

The incidents all took place on a private reserve of land called River Ranch over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend of 1985, friday night through early sunday afternoon. My uncle and I arrived at the f...

November 1985

Broward County Florida (Class B) BFRO

Man describes teenage incident -- possible intimidation approach at 2 AM in Coral Springs, at the edge of the Everglades

Back in 1985-86 my family relocated to Coral Springs from Miami before the Sawgrass Express way was built. We lived so close to the Glades my friends and I used to ride our skateboards to the levy and...

August 1985

Volusia County Florida (Class A) BFRO

Women recall an afternoon road crossing near Bulow Park

In May of 1985 on a sunny afternoon, a realtor in Ormond Beach took me north on Beach Street. We turned left and entered The Village of Pine Run. Before reaching the area of houses, I spotted what loo...

May 1985

Alachua County Florida (Class A) BFRO

College Psychology Teacher observes Bigfoot crossing road. Animal has covering of leaves and/or palm branches

Alachua County, Florida, around 1985 We lived in the country, with thousands of wild acres around our five acre plot. While walking on our paved road in front of our house one morning, I saw a creatu...

January 1985

Bay County Florida (Class A) BFRO

Woman remembers encountering a strange animal while driving outside Mexico Beach

Sounds in the woods and the sights of tree limbs or structures shown are everywhere in the sowega (southwest Georgia) area of Georgia. I grew up in the crisp county area and most of my life was spend ...

January 1985

St. Johns County Florida (Class A) BFRO

Two horseback riders see hairy creature

Around fifteen years ago me and a friend of mine were horse back riding along side the FEC Railroad tracks between SR207 and Kings Estate Rd. We were heading south towards Kings Estate Rd when we noti...

October 1984