Barbour Berkeley Boone Brooke Cabell Calhoun Fayette Greenbrier Hampshire Harrison Jackson Kanawha Lincoln Logan Marion Mason McDowell Mercer Mineral Monongalia Monroe Nicholas Ohio Pendleton Pocahontas Preston Raleigh Randolph Ritchie Summers Tucker Tyler Upshur Wayne Webster Wetzel Wyoming
McDowell County West Virginia (Class A) BFRO
My friend Corey and I decided to go bow hunting one day is the fall of October of 2009 in the mountains behind our houses. We came to a big brush pile which we couldn't be seen from the direction were...
October 2009
McDowell County West Virginia (Class B) BFRO
I live in a very rural area of McDowell Co. West Virginia. It is not unusual to see bear, coyote, deer, etc. on a weekly basis around my home. I am an avid hunter/outdoorsman, and I have seen and hear...
July 2009
McDowell County West Virginia (Class B) BFRO
A unidentifiable creature meeting the description of bigfoot has been seen in Capels, West Virginia by several different sources. Many unidentifiable tracks can be found . Terrible screams have also b...
August 1998
McDowell County West Virginia (Class A) BFRO
The year was 1969, it was a very dry August, my sister and I were going to the store she chose to walk by way of the dirt road I chose to walk down the path from my grandparents home up on the side of...
August 1969