Charlotte County, Florida

Near Port Charlotte

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Charlotte County Florida (Class A) BFRO

January 2001-2002

My family moved to Charlotte County in 2000, bought a house in a quiet area and have been pleasantly surprised with the amount of wildlife in the area. We had moved from Ft. Lauderdale and would frequently exercise, bike ride, walk, run or rollerblade. It was January 2001 or 2002, sunny day, a cold front just went through the area. It was mid-afternoon, about 65 degrees, wind was out of the North, North East. I even remember what I was wearing. My wife and I decided to go Rollerblading that day, and we had a basic route we skated. As we made our way away from our house we got to one of our favorite roads, Koala, and proceeded down to the end at an easy pace. About 2-3 blocks from the intersection of Koala and Collingswood we stopped and saw what I first thought was a very large dog, on all four legs, in the swale about 20 ft. from the intersection. I looked at the animal and I thought I was looking at the profile of a dog, a really BIG dog. Although I did not see a tail or a head I did not give it another thought. I remember saying to my wife, "We should have brought a lead to see if someone lost a dog. I would hate to see it get hit'. As she was agreeing with me, we just started to move towards the animal and all of a sudden its head rose up and stared right at us. The animal was not in the swale in a profile view on all fours, it was on all fours facing us. It had a dark face which did not register with me. The hair was long, reddish-brown. As the animal looked up at us there was about a 2 second delay before it took off at an alarming pace. RIGHT FOR US. Fight or flight sense kicked in. It started running, I looked at it as it gained speed and its hair was flowing in the breeze, there was no standard locomotive process. It seemed to float. The shoulders did not break a plane. We turned around and started to get the heck out of there. We feared that this animal was after us. As I kept checking back at it, thinking I may have to confront it, I saw it move from the swale to the roadway effortlessly. Again it appeared to float up the bank to the road. Once in the road I could see the hair moving in the wind as it chased after us, I could see the front legs moving but the shoulders never broke a visual horizontal plane. It took up a quarter of the roadway, 3-4 feet across, I would estimate 4-5 foot at the shoulder. The animal drifted off into the woods to the north side in to an area that appeared to have been an opening made through the brush. Maybe we were too close to its lair. I don't know. I do not know what it was, I thought perhaps at first it was a dog, then maybe an exotic large cat, or a bear but I ruled them out just due to the unbelievable speed, overall size (huge) and locomotive process this animal executed. It just appeared to float. The whole thing lasted probably 20 seconds. I still get the chills thinking about it and when I go past that area..

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Charlotte County Florida (Class B) BFRO

Fish stolen from a boat, possible knocks and vocalizations near Punta Gorda

I have a few, where I live in Charlotte county, borders the web reserve, and is woods for miles and miles, when I started to build my home, just after hurricane Charlie, I had an rv trailer on my prop...

January 2012

Charlotte County Florida (Class A) BFRO

Woman walking her dogs has frightening early morning encounter near Charlotte Harbor

Just got up for work and was walking the dogs outside my home. I looked toward the end of the street and it looked like a truck or something in the middle of the road. I turned away for a few seconds ...

March 2008

Charlotte County Florida (Class A) BFRO

City planner sees large upright animal while touring property near Punta Gorda

In the spring of 2006 several members of the county's development review team (planners, engineers and legal) were invited to tour a 90,000 acre ranch that was proposed for development. The intent was...

March 2006

Charlotte County Florida (Class B) BFRO

Couple hears an unusual scream while camping overnight on the Peace River

My husband and I have lived in Charlotte County FL our entire lives. We have camped with our families for over 40 years up the peace river (only accessable by boat) into Desoto county...After Hurricia...

October 2005

Klamath County Oregon (Class A) BFRO

Driver has daylight, road-cross encounter near Chiloquin

Date: 09/19/2004 Time: Approx. 6:00 PM Conditions: Partly Cloudy w/ clear visibility Location: About one mile or less from Cascade Summit Pass on Hwy 138. I had spent the weekend visiting my kid...

September 2004

Walla Walla County Washington (Class A) BFRO

Girl watches large black sasquatch walk down ridge

witness was ridding with some friends up blacksnake ridge in their suv. They came to a stop to spot Elk, The witness Stephanie was looking in an area called laird gulch when she noticed what she said ...

March 2001

Delaware County Oklahoma (Class A) BFRO

Native American elder observes a deer being chased

Video report filmed by Ron Boles and Larry Newman This report was first made known to Larry Newman and I by this man's daughter. Larry and I went to the residence of the witness which is also the loc...

July 2014

Skamania County Washington (Class A) BFRO

Witness saw something he felt confident few men had ever seen

My grandfather whom was familiar with this region and hunted this mountain country yearly by horseback,saw what i believe to be a Pacific Northwest Sasquatch. Although he never would say for sure what...

January 1967

Independence County Arkansas (Class A) BFRO

Duck hunter observes apelike creature across White River

I was duck hunting on the White River in Arkansas from a blind. I saw a large hairy apelike creature across the river flipping over stones and walking oddly. About 100 yards away at the closest. I am ...

November 1999

Macon County North Carolina (Class A) BFRO

Large creature turned and stared at couple

My girlfriend and I were riding the backroads when I noticed some small pine trees moving. Initially I thought it was the was the wind, but suddenly a figure emerged. My girlfriend grabbed my arm in f...

January 1973

Washington County Alabama (Class A) BFRO

Motorist confronted by hairy, man-like creature on roadside

I stopped my car to go to the bathroom because I had to go bad and in the woods next to the road there was a horrible hairy man-like creature. It walked toward me and snorted. I was so scared. It had ...

January 1997

Manitoba Canada (Class A) BFRO

Creature seen walking across a grain field

I was coming home just after dusk. I had slowed down to make my turn onto the gravel road. I saw a shape in the ditch on the west side of the highway and stopped because I thought one of the horses fr...

August 1996