Noble County, Ohio

Near Crookedtree

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Noble County Ohio (Class B) BFRO

June 1982

My encounter was back in 1982. A friend and I were visiting a neighbor lady and were leaving to go home around 10pm. We had ridden our bikes there. We were pushing the bikes up the steep driveway to the main road when we seen a huge sihouette walk across the driveway opening at the main road. We had both seen it and said, "Did you see that?" It walked back the other direction, crossing the driveway entrance again. I said, "There it goes again! What the heck was that?" It reappeared and stopped at the top of the driveway and was looking directly at us. I said, "There it is!", and it grunted at us. We were scared. We dropped our bikes and ran back to the lady's house as fast as we could.. We told her what we saw. She laughed and grabbed a flash light and took us outside. We really did not want to go back out, but we trusted her. We walked back up the driveway with the lady shinning the flash light everywhere. Nothing. Our bikes still laying where we had seen it. We pi...

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Noble County Ohio (Class B) BFRO

Hunter states that vocalizations heard near Batesville are identical to recordings on BFRO site

Im writing with a great deal of hesitation. I'm a police officer and married , family guy etc. and my credibility is sound . I don't want this to change!... I used to do a lot of groundhog hunting aro...

August 1988

Noble County Ohio (Class A) BFRO

Two women driving to work are surprised to see a very large hair covered biped running along the side of their car.

My sister Mary and I were heading to work at an early morning hour driving northeast on County Road 19 out of Calais, Ohio. My sister was lying back in the passenger seat when I noticed in my car head...

February 1977

Noble County Ohio (Class B) BFRO

A series of large, human-like footprints are found on a farm near Wayne National Forest

While during some yard chores, we noticed a series of tracks going into the hollow on our property. Upon examination, we realized these were very large barefoot human like tracks. They were close to 1...

January 1958

Columbia County New York (Class A) BFRO

Sighting by mother and daughter near Kinderhook

May 1983, Kinderhook, NY (Columbia County) 5:30 - 6:00 pm. At the corner of Rt. 203 and State Farm Rd. My daughter and I were making a right hand turn at the cow pasture of Rt 203 and State Fa...

May 1983

Ontario Canada (Class A) BFRO

A tall, hairy, and ugly eight foot sasquatch spotted after scareing dogs.

I was walking my dogs across my road in the big corn field and when I got to the forest my dogs started to run off. Then a couple of seconds later they came back crying and wimpering. Then in the dist...

July 1996

Stanislaus County California (Class A) BFRO

Old newspaper article (Titusville Morning Herald - Pennsylvania) about sightings near Orestimba Creek in the Diablo (Devil) Mountains

The article below, titled "The Wild Man - What is He?", was originally published in the New York Times in 1871. Shortly afterward this article was re-printed in the Petersburg Index (Virginia), ...

January 1870

Hancock County Illinois (Class A) BFRO

Deer hunter sees large hairy black creature that "plays peekaboo" near Webster

It was a year ago, during deer hunting seaseon (2000) It was at dusk. When i was going around the outside of the timber I had to go around a point. When I started to go down the other side there it wa...

November 2000

Jackson County Illinois (Class A) BFRO

Motorist has daytime sighting near railroad tracks west of Murphysboro

I was traveling along the road when I saw a tall thin hairy bigfoot along a railroad track. He was off the tracks, he was off to the side. I thought, holy mackerel he is awefully tall....

March 2011

Jackson County Oregon (Class A) BFRO

Witness observed "thing" walk briskly away

I was deer hunting on the east slope of a very steep hillside & saw movement about 70 yards down & away from me. I started to bring my rifle up but realized it was too dark & tall to be a deer. I saw ...

October 1999

Fayette County Pennsylvania (Class A) BFRO

Two cousins spot large creature as it dashes across path

My cousin and I were riding four wheelers through the woods along Breakneck Rd. and all of the sudden a brown furry creature dashed across the path in front of us by about twenty yards or so the whole...

July 1997

Labette County Kansas (Class A) BFRO

Chief of police in Chetopa finds two and a half miles of tracks that measured 17 inches in length, 5 5/8 in width. Thousands of curious people came out to look at the tracks. The incident was reported on the local TV news

Chetopa, Kansas Chief of police measures footprints. (239K) 1978, Labette, 2-?. Chief of police in Chetopa finds 2 and a half miles of tracks that measured 17 inches in length, 5 5/8 in width. Mor...

February 1978