Sasquatch Encounter in the Wild: Hiker's Chilling Tale of Following Footsteps and Distant Calls
Posted Monday, March 04, 2024
By staff
A thrilling account of possible Sasquatch communication has been shared on the YouTube channel "Sasquatch and the Wild." In the video titled "Whoops From Afar Wellington Lake Part 3," the channel's owner, Patrick, recounts his experience while hiking near Wellington Lake, Colorado, on September 6, 2015.
Patrick shares his encounter with what he believes to be a Sasquatch, accompanied by unusual sounds and behaviors. As he begins his hike, he hears a second set of footsteps, which he initially assumes to be another person. However, as the footsteps continue, he realizes that they are not human-like and that they are matching his own steps two to one.
As Patrick continues his hike, he encounters two crows that appear to be listening to him and reacting to his presence. He then hears a series of long, drawn-out whoops, which sound like primate vocals. These whoops seem to be an alarm or a warning, and Patrick wonders if he has stumbled upon an ape enclosure.
The video description also mentions that, as Patrick approaches a boy scout camp, he hears a prolonged call from a boulder, which lasts for about 45 seconds. He tries to communicate with the individual, but they eventually stop.
Towards the end of his hike, Patrick sees what appears to be a hairy individual holding onto a tree in the distance. Through his camera lens, he can see the figure looking directly at him, confirming his suspicions of a Sasquatch encounter.
Patrick's experience offers a fascinating insight into the world of Sasquatch, and the video is definitely worth watching for anyone interested in the subject. The unusual sounds and behaviors he describes are compelling evidence that Sasquatch may be more than just a myth.
To fully appreciate this captivating account, be sure to watch the video on "Sasquatch and the Wild" YouTube channel. The video provides a unique perspective on Sasquatch behavior and communication, and it's an excellent addition to the body of evidence supporting the existence of these elusive creatures.