Texas Hunter's Chilling Bigfoot Encounter on Deer Lease Near Tyson Farm

Posted Tuesday, January 28, 2025

By Squatchable.com staff

In a recent video posted on The Facts By Howtohunt .com YouTube channel, two deep-sea dive partners share their terrifying encounter with a Sasquatch on North Vancouver Island. The pair had just visited a local grocery store, where they were shocked by the unusual practice of customers rummaging through raw meat with their bare hands. As they continued their exploration, they heard strange noises and soon found themselves face-to-face with a Sasquatch. They tried to scare it away, hoping to avoid any confrontation. The encounter left them feeling uneasy and grateful for their safe escape. In addition to their story, the video also features an email from a taxidermist and lifetime hunter named Eric, who shares his own intriguing experience from East Texas. While on a deer lease next to a Tyson chicken farm, Eric and his brother heard heavy footsteps that perfectly matched their own bipedal steps. They initially dismissed the sounds as those of a large mountain lion, but years later, Eric began to question whether it could have been a Sasquatch instead. The video also touches on a news story from Kingston, Pennsylvania, where large boulders were placed on railroad tracks, causing damage to a freight train. Authorities are investigating the possibility of human involvement, but some viewers have suggested that Bigfoot might be responsible. These captivating stories serve as a reminder of the mysterious and elusive nature of Sasquatch, leaving viewers eager to learn more and explore the possibility of their existence. To fully appreciate these intriguing tales, be sure to watch the video and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.