Witness Bigfoot Sightings: Share Support for Live Stream Equipment Upgrade
Posted Sunday, January 28, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
In a recent video posted on YouTube, a group of Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers went on a test run to share images with Sasquatch Confessions. The video, which was posted by the YouTube channel THE LORD OF ORD, offers a glimpse into the world of Bigfoot research and the tools used to document and study these elusive creatures.
Throughout the video, the group can be seen testing out different features on their streaming platform, including the ability to add multiple guests and present images on screen. They also share a number of interesting images and videos, including what appears to be a Bigfoot filmed in the wild.
One of the most intriguing images shared in the video is a picture of a Bigfoot with an infant on its shoulder. The image, which was filmed in May of this year, shows a dark, blurry figure with what appears to be an infant's face peeking out from behind its shoulder. The group also shares a video of a Bigfoot with its eye clearly visible, as well as a number of other interesting images and videos.
Overall, the video is a fascinating look into the world of Bigfoot research and the tools used to study these elusive creatures. Whether you're a seasoned Bigfoot enthusiast or just curious about the subject, it's definitely worth a watch. You can check out the full video on YouTube and see for yourself the exciting evidence that was shared during this test run.