Bigfoot Filmed at Lucky Star Casino: Witness Accounts & Ancestral Connections

Posted Sunday, March 24, 2024

By staff

Have you heard the story of the alleged Bigfoot footage from Lucky Star Casino in Koncho, Oklahoma? The video, captured by a security camera in 2002, reportedly showed a creature over 10 feet tall digging through a dumpster behind the casino in the early hours of the morning. However, the footage has since disappeared and can't be found anywhere online. The YouTube channel Journey To The Other Side shared a reconstruction of the footage, and it's easy to see why this video has caused such a stir in the Bigfoot community. The creature in the video is described as lanky, more like a basketball player than a linebacker, and moving very smoothly, almost gliding rather than walking. This is a consistent feature in many Sasquatch encounters, and it's what sets this video apart from the many fake Bigfoot videos out there. Despite the lumbering movement shown in the reconstruction, those who claim to have seen the original footage describe the Bigfoot as moving very smoothly. This is a common feature in many Sasquatch encounters and is what makes this video so intriguing. There are several stories online from people claiming to have seen the video, but only a few have attached their names and faces to the claim. These stories fall into two categories: knowing someone with access to the video, presumably a casino employee, or watching it online before it was somehow scrubbed from the internet. The reason the footage can't be found now is said to be because the casino's owners had it destroyed. There are several claims floating around as to why they did this, including worries about losing business or concerns about the casino's native ownership and a possible connection to these creatures going back to their ancestors. While stories of supposedly tantalizing pieces of evidence that are just out of reach for the public are common in the world of cryptozoology, this specific piece of alleged footage does have more credibility than some of the tales from people who claim to have encountered Bigfoot or dogman on a daily basis but refuse to offer up any of their supposed evidence. The stories of the film's existence began to spring up almost immediately after its alleged filming, which points towards it not being some retroactive urban legend. Additionally, there is a history of Bigfoot sightings in the area where the footage was said to be filmed, giving credence to the possibility that it may have really existed. What do you think? Do you believe that the Lucky Star Casino Bigfoot footage really exists? Let us know in the comment section below. And be sure to check out the reconstruction of the footage on Journey To The Other Side's YouTube channel. It's definitely worth a watch. Excitement Level: 6/10 - The story of the Lucky Star Casino Bigfoot footage is definitely interesting and adds to the intrigue of the Bigfoot phenomenon. The fact that the footage has disappeared and can't be found anywhere online only adds to the mystery. It's definitely worth investigating further.