Multiple Bigfoot Encounters: Wisconsin to Alaska, Real-Life Stories Revealed

Posted Sunday, March 24, 2024

By staff

Bigfoot sightings and encounters continue to be reported from all corners of the world, and the video from the YouTube channel MostAmazingTop10 showcases some of the most concerning attacks that have been kept hidden. I am always on the lookout for new evidence and stories about these elusive creatures. The video starts off with two campers, Jan and Larry, who claim to have been attacked by Bigfoot while out camping in Wisconsin. The pair had encountered another group of campers who had seen Bigfoot in the area on previous occasions, including the night before around midnight. Jan and Larry had just zipped up their own tent when they began hearing footsteps coming from the bushes. Before Larry had the chance to check out where the noise was coming from, the sides of his tent began to shake as the Bigfoot attacked them aggressively, clawing, scratching, pushing, and pulling at the tent. Eventually, it moved on, but Jan and Larry will never forget that day. They claimed that there are seven separate Bigfoots living in the area and have seen and heard the creature on separate occasions. They were able to capture photos of the Sasquatch's tracks, but the name of the campsite was not disclosed. The next case comes from Colorado, where a couple was driving on a desolate road late at night when they felt something bump into their car. They backed up a bit to see what they'd hit, and to their surprise, they spotted a dark shape on the road that looked like it could have been a bear. They pulled out a phone and started filming their rearview camera, capturing what appears to be a Bigfoot rushing towards the car. While the creature is only on camera briefly, it looks pretty big and moves quickly, taking up a big part of the one lane and looking fairly tall. The video also features Teddy Roosevelt's retelling of a Bigfoot encounter as told to him by a German Hunter named Bowman. Bowman and his friend had gone out into the remote section of the Montana Wilderness with one goal: to trap beavers. The men were likely the only hunters in the woods at the time because, as a general rule of thumb, Hunters tended to avoid the area after a fellow Trapper had been found mauled in the woods a few months prior. Bowman and his friend set up camp and went out to lay their traps, but when they returned to their campsite, it was ransacked. Thinking the mess had been left by a bear, the two didn't really think much of it. Bowman began cooking dinner, and his partner left to investigate some tracks they'd seen. They were massive and it was clear the creature had been walking on two legs. When the pair eventually settled into their tents for the night, they were weary and gratefully so. They were awakened by an awful smell and the sound of branches breaking around their tent. The following day, the men decided to leave the area, and Bowman went to gather the beaver traps while his partner packed up the camp. When Bowman returned to the campsite, he was greeted by a horrific scene: his friend's body was laid out across the ground with a broken neck and bite marks all over. Bowman knew his friend was dead and so he hit the trail out of there and lived to tell the tale. These stories and more are featured in the video, and I am always excited to hear new reports and evidence of these elusive creatures. Whether you are a believer or a skeptic, these stories are sure to leave you intrigued and wondering about the existence of Bigfoot. I encourage our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts with us.