Psychic Medium Encounters Mysterious Presences on Mountain Motorcycle Trip

Posted Friday, March 15, 2024

By staff

A few days ago, I stumbled upon an interesting video on YouTube that caught my attention. The video was posted by Brett Carstens, a psychic medium who goes on solo motorcycle trips to explore paranormal spots around the country. In this particular video, Brett visits the Devil's Tower in Wyoming, a place known for its paranormal activities and UFO sightings. As soon as Brett arrived at the tower, he couldn't help but feel a strong emotional connection to the place. He described it as "super teary-eyed" and "super emotional," which made me wonder what kind of paranormal experiences he might have there. Brett's psychic abilities allowed him to sense the presence of caretakers of the mountain who only come out at night. He also noticed footprints in the snow, which made him wonder if there were bigfoots around the area. I found this part of the video particularly exciting! Throughout the video, Brett captured some impressive EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomena) that he later put as captions on the screen. These EVPs are hard to hear, so make sure to watch the video with headphones on. One of the EVPs sounded like someone saying "hey" right behind Brett, which made him jump a little. It's always interesting to hear these kinds of EVPs, as they provide evidence that there might be something paranormal going on in the area. Towards the end of the video, Brett shared his thoughts on camping at the Devil's Tower. He felt like someone was following him, but he didn't seem too concerned about it. Instead, he welcomed the presence and continued to explore the area. Overall, I found Brett's video to be intriguing and exciting. It's always great to see fellow Bigfoot believers exploring paranormal spots and sharing their experiences with the world. Make sure to check out the video and let us know what you think in the comments below.