Bigfoot Researcher's Return to Active Talladega National Forest

Posted Sunday, February 25, 2024

By staff

A researcher from the YouTube channel algabigfootresearchgroup shares their recent expedition back into their old research area in the Talladega National Forest. After months of being unable to visit the area due to deer season, they are eager to check for any new signs of Bigfoot activity. The researcher mentions that they have had numerous encounters in this area and believe it is too rich in activity to abandon. They plan to set up trail cameras on a timer, as this method has proven successful in the past. By keeping an eye on new activities, they can stay informed about what's happening in their research area. One interesting point the researcher brings up is the proximity of their research area to farmland. They mention hearing strange noises at night, which they initially thought might be Bigfoot, but turned out to be a bull. They play a sound bite of agitated bull sounds, asking viewers if they have ever heard similar noises in the woods. The researcher sets up two trail cameras, one near a game trail by a creek and another in a sandy area. They hope to catch some footage of Bigfoot activity overnight. If you're interested in learning more about this researcher's findings, be sure to check out the full video on their YouTube channel. And as always, keep an eye on Squatchable for updates on all things Bigfoot!