It "had been turned inside out": Bigfoot throws dead rabbit at ATV rider

Posted Thursday, November 05, 2020

By staff

f me but neither one of them so much as growled. It may sound funny but it seemed like on cue the wind picked up and I caught a smell that I really cant describe. I looked to my right, and about fifty or sixty yards up the hill I could make out the shape of something very big , standing between a couple of oak trees, and some other brush. I stood there for about thirty seconds or so trying to figure out what it was before it moved. It reached out and grabbed two of the oak trees and started shaking them back and forth. Then I heard something like I have never heard before in my life. It didnt sound like an animal growling or a person screaming, but kind of a mix of both. The next thing I knew I had reached for my pistol, looked down and both dogs were gone. I decide that it was time for me to leave at that point and made my way very quickly back to the house. The next encounter happened about 5 days later on the other side of the main grade. I had just left the house from having lunch and going back to work. I was riding a four wheeler at the time and we had a lot of trails cut out through the woods that we rode on. I had just come out of the woods and onto a pig trail just up from what we called bathtub springs. The pig trail turns into a main grade about a quarter of a mile from where I came out on it. I started towards the main grade when I noticed something very large and brown running through the woods about 20 to 25 yards to my left. It kept up with me as I rode about 15 mph, for at least 20 seconds. I saw it sling something in a side ways motion, like throwing a frisbee. I was just about to the main grade when I realized something had hit me in the chest. I didn't stop until I got out to the main paved road. When I did stop to see what had hit me, I saw that it was a rabbit that had been turned inside out. via (Link: