Hiker's Encounter with 8-Foot Black Figure in Lemon Valley, Nevada: Sasquatch Evidence?

Posted Monday, February 03, 2025

By Squatchable.com staff

A fascinating account of a possible Bigfoot encounter has been shared on the YouTube channel, Backwoods Bigfoot Stories. The witness, who prefers to remain anonymous, describes their experience in Lemon Valley, Nevada, in August 1972. The witness was hiking with their 10-year-old brother and a new neighbor, David, when they came across a "giant figure" near a dry wash. The figure was described as being at least 8.5 feet tall, with broad shoulders, long arms, and wearing a black down ski parka, matching pants, and gloves. Despite the blazing hot August afternoon, the figure appeared to be wearing the ski suit with the hood up. The witness's initial reaction was that the figure was a large, dark-skinned hobo, but as they looked closer, they realized that the figure didn't fit the profile of a homeless person. The figure's posture was too strong, with a quiet authority, and its gaze was intelligent and steady. The witness even considered the possibility that the figure was covered in fur. The figure never made a sound or moved during the encounter, but the witness could feel its posture shift from annoyed to assessing whether they were a threat. The witness's brother and neighbor were also frozen in shock, and the witness had to control their fear in order to protect David, who was vulnerable and unable to move. After the figure disappeared around a curve in the wash, the witness and their companions searched the area for signs of a camp but found none. Instead, they found tumbleweeds and branches embedded in the wall of the wash, forming a half-over about 4.5 feet high, and a small shelter made of brush on the ground. This encounter is a fascinating addition to the many Bigfoot sightings and experiences that have been reported over the years. The witness's description of the figure's appearance and behavior is consistent with other accounts of Bigfoot sightings. The fact that the figure was wearing a black down ski parka and pants in the middle of the desert is particularly intriguing, as it suggests that the figure was prepared for the cold desert nights. If you're interested in learning more about this encounter, be sure to check out the video on Backwoods Bigfoot Stories. And, as always, keep an open mind and stay curious about the world around us. Who knows what other mysteries are waiting to be discovered?