Canadian Family's Encounter with Mysterious Ghostly Entities and a Haunted Baby Doll

Posted Sunday, February 02, 2025

By staff

A family in Cole Harbor, Nova Scotia, Canada, experienced some strange and unsettling occurrences in their home back in 2013. The parents, whose oldest daughter was just 16 months old at the time, noticed that their daughter would wake up every night around the same time, crying and shaking in fear. When they asked her why she was scared, she told them that "Nanny" was waking her up. Thinking it was just her imagination, they brushed it off, until one night when their daughter told her mother that there was a "baby ghost" playing with her dollhouse across the room. The mother, understandably freaked out, turned on the light but didn't see anything. The next night, the father took over and also heard and saw nothing. However, the following night, they heard music coming from the baby monitor, and when they went to check it out, they found that a rocking horse decoration that plays music when you turn the knob on the bottom was playing, even though they had never turned it on before. As if that wasn't strange enough, the family started experiencing other unexplained phenomena, such as toys going off in the middle of the night and a teapot spinning in a circle on the living room floor. The daughter also mentioned that there were three people visiting her: Nanny, the baby ghost with boo boos, and a man from a car. When the mother showed her pictures of various family members who had passed away, the daughter pointed to a photo of her aunt and said, "That's Nanny." The family was understandably disturbed by these occurrences and turned to a medium for help. The medium suggested that they do a smudging, a native spiritual cleansing technique, to cleanse their home of any negative energy. After doing so, the strange occurrences stopped and the family was able to get a good night's sleep. While the family never found out what or who was causing these strange occurrences, it's clear that something paranormal was happening in their home. It's always interesting to hear about personal experiences like this, as they add to the wealth of knowledge and anecdotes in the field of the paranormal. If you're interested in learning more, be sure to check out the full video on Dixie Cryptid's YouTube channel.