Boy's Encounter with 7-Foot Bigfoot in Marion County, Texas: New Evidence Uncovered

Posted Wednesday, October 23, 2024

By staff

A fascinating account of a 1965 Bigfoot encounter in Marion County, Texas has recently resurfaced, and it's one that leaves a lasting impression. The story comes from Johnny Maples, a 13-year-old boy who was walking home from school when he encountered a 7-foot-tall, black-haired creature near Scott Creek Bridge. As Johnny ran away from the creature, he noticed that the soles of his shoes had come loose, causing him to stop and remove them. While doing so, he glanced back and no longer saw the creature. However, the terror didn't end there. Johnny's mother described him as hysterical when he arrived home, with blistered and bleeding feet from running barefoot on the concrete. The local sheriff's office was called, and a deputy arrived quickly, interested in the report as they had received a similar one just a few months prior. Upon investigating the area, they found a large human-like footprint under the bridge, along with stacks of neatly pressed and folded blue jeans, work pants, little boy jeans, and men's hats. The discovery of the clothing under the bridge is what piqued my interest the most. While it's possible that a homeless person or a vagabond could have left the clothing there, the freshly pressed and folded state of the jeans is peculiar. Additionally, the remote location of the bridge, miles away from any city, makes this theory less likely. The investigation didn't end there. A week later, more tracks were discovered about 150 yards east of the bridge, and a man even claimed to have seen the creature and taken a few shots at it. Reports of howls and growls in the area continued to come in, and a week after that, a woman and her daughter heard a surprised howl while visiting a nearby cemetery. This account is a captivating reminder of the mysterious and elusive nature of Bigfoot. While we may never know the full story behind Johnny Maples' encounter, it's a reminder that there is still so much to learn about the world around us. If you're interested in learning more about this encounter, be sure to check out the video on YouTube.