Personal Bigfoot Encounter: Unearthing Hidden Structures and Thermal Encounters

Posted Tuesday, October 22, 2024

By staff

A video posted on the YouTube channel "Shapes of Night" has been making waves in the Bigfoot community. The video, titled "The One Rule for Finding Bigfoot | Real Sasquatch Encounter," shares the personal experiences of a Bigfoot enthusiast who has been searching for the elusive creature for most of his life. The video begins with the enthusiast recounting a childhood memory of seeing a Bigfoot at the Toronto Zoo. Although it was later revealed that someone had dressed up as a Bigfoot for entertainment, the experience sparked a lifelong interest in the creature for the enthusiast. The video then delves into the enthusiast's discovery of the movie "Discovering Bigfoot" by Todd Standing. The movie showcases structures built by Bigfoot in Northern Alberta, which piqued the enthusiast's interest. After researching online, he came across a review by Utah Sasquatch, who claimed that Bigfoot structures can be found everywhere, not just in remote areas. Inspired by this information, the enthusiast decided to venture out into the woods near his home in London, Canada, to search for Bigfoot. He found several structures, which he believes are made by the creature. The video then shares the enthusiast's tips for increasing the chances of seeing a Bigfoot, including respecting the creature and finding a place with water, cover, and prey animals. He also suggests going off the trail and finding a clearing in the forest during a new moon with cloud cover, making oneself vulnerable and giving the Bigfoot maximum advantage. The enthusiast then shares his own personal experience of following these tips and encountering what he believes to be a Bigfoot in the woods. He describes hearing heavy footsteps and branches breaking, and something whizzing past his head and splashing in the pond. As a female editor for Squatchable, I am excited to share this video with our readers. The enthusiasm and passion of the Bigfoot enthusiast in the video is contagious, and his personal experiences and tips for finding Bigfoot are informative and intriguing. I encourage our readers to check out the video for themselves and share their thoughts in the comments below. It's always exciting to hear about new personal encounters and experiences with Bigfoot, and this video does not disappoint. The enthusiasm and passion of the Bigfoot enthusiast in the video is contagious, and his personal experiences and tips for finding Bigfoot are informative and intriguing. I give this video an