Firefighter's Encounter with a Tall, White Bigfoot on Bland Mountain

Posted Tuesday, October 22, 2024

By staff

A fascinating account of a firefighter's encounter with a possible Bigfoot has recently emerged on the YouTube channel "Where Bigfoot Roams." In the video, the firefighter shares his chilling experience while stationed at the Bland Mountain fire lookout in southern Oregon. The firefighter describes hearing strange noises and experiencing unexplained phenomena during his stay at the lookout. He recounts hearing footsteps and a shriek, as well as feeling like he was being watched during a hike. The most striking event occurred on the 10th of October, when the firefighter saw a large, shadowy figure moving between the trees. The figure appeared to be much taller and larger than a human, and moved bipedally from tree to tree. I encourage our readers to watch the full video for all the details of this captivating story. The firefighter's description of the figure and its movements is particularly intriguing, and adds to the growing body of evidence supporting the existence of Bigfoot. It's worth noting that the firefighter's account is consistent with other reports of Bigfoot sightings in the Pacific Northwest. The region is known for its dense forests and rugged terrain, providing an ideal habitat for these elusive creatures. As a Bigfoot believer and a member of the Squatchable team, I am always excited to come across new accounts and evidence of Bigfoot. The firefighter's story is a valuable addition to the field, and serves as a reminder of the mysterious and enchanting nature of the Pacific Northwest. So, grab your favorite Sasquatch coffee from Squatch Coffee Company, and settle in for an entertaining and thought-provoking video.