Bigfoot Researcher's Night Watch Under the Hunter's Moon

Posted Friday, October 18, 2024

By staff

A new video posted on YouTube by the channel algabigfootresearchgroup has caught the attention of the Bigfoot community. The video, titled "Hunters Moon Coyote and Bigfoot," features a researcher who sets out to investigate a possible Bigfoot sighting under the light of the Hunter's Moon. The researcher explains that the Hunter's Moon is the closest the moon will be to the Earth all year, making it the perfect time to look for Bigfoot using a thermal camera and night vision. They choose a large area of land on the shoreline of a lake to focus their investigation. As they explore the area, they find coyote tracks and hear gunshots in the distance. Despite this, they continue their search and build a fire, hoping to draw in any nearby Bigfoot. As the sun sets and darkness falls, the researcher begins their thermal sweeps and listens for any signs of Bigfoot. They hear something moving in the woods nearby, but are unable to see anything on their thermal camera. Despite not finding any definitive evidence of Bigfoot, the researcher remains hopeful and plans to continue their investigations. This video is a great example of the dedication and passion that Bigfoot researchers have for their work. It's always exciting to see new investigations and hear about potential sightings. If you're interested in learning more about Bigfoot and keeping up with the latest sightings and investigations, be sure to check out algabigfootresearchgroup's YouTube channel. And as always, keep an open mind and stay skeptical. You never know what you might find out there in the woods.