Grizzly Encounter on Moose Hunting Expedition in Northwestern BC

Posted Sunday, October 13, 2024

By staff

A thrilling bigfoot encounter was recently shared on the YouTube channel Outlaw Country, and it's a must-watch for any serious squatcher. The video, titled "This Bigfoot Encounter from Stewart Miller sent shivers down my spine,this is insane," gives us a firsthand account of a close call with a grizzly bear, and a possible sasquatch encounter. Stewart Miller, an experienced hunter, and his team were on a hunting trip in Northwestern BC, when they had a close encounter with a grizzly bear. The bear managed to steal a moose head from their camp, and even carried away a 175-pound quarter of moose meat without leaving any drag marks. The team was understandably shaken, but they couldn't shake off the feeling that something else was watching them. As they were packing up to leave, they heard strange noises in the distance. At first, they dismissed it as the wind, but the noises persisted and got louder. Suddenly, they saw a large figure moving in the trees, and it didn't look like a bear. The figure was too tall, and it moved with an unusual grace and speed. The team was in awe as they watched the figure move through the trees, leaving no trace behind. They knew they had just witnessed something extraordinary, and they couldn't wait to share their story with the world. As a Bigfoot enthusiast, I was thrilled to hear about this encounter. The team's description of the figure, and the way it moved through the trees, is consistent with many other Bigfoot sightings. The fact that the team didn't manage to get any footage of the figure is disappointing, but it's not uncommon in Bigfoot sightings. The video is a great reminder of the power and mystery of nature. It's easy to forget that we share our world with creatures that are far more powerful and elusive than we are. Whether you believe in Bigfoot or not, this video is a must-watch for anyone who loves the great outdoors. I encourage all of our readers to check out the video and share their thoughts with us. Who knows, maybe this encounter will inspire you to go out and have your own Bigfoot adventure.