Mysterious Snout-Like Creature: Detailed Encounters on a Property

Posted Sunday, October 13, 2024

By staff

A chilling encounter with a possible dogman has been captured on camera and shared on the YouTube channel Real Eyes Tv. The witness describes seeing a creature that resembles a German Shepherd mixed with a hyena, with a snout and a muscular build. The creature was first spotted on all fours, before standing up and sniffing the air. The witness was so frightened that they didn't think to record the encounter at the time. In another encounter, the witness saw a smaller creature with a sandy blonde color and red tint. This creature also locked eyes with the witness and had a "wicked" look in its face. The witness also describes a larger creature, standing at around 7 feet tall, with a reddish brown color. This creature was seen walking off into the woods and the witness only saw its back. One of the most striking details of these encounters is the smell described by the witness. They mention a "rotting meat" and "trash" smell, which is consistent with other reports of Bigfoot encounters. The witness also mentions hearing strange noises and movements in the woods, and even claims to have heard a howl that sounded like "HS". They also mention that these creatures have been coming onto their porch and leaving signs that they are there. It's worth noting that the witness is aware of other people's encounters and has even mentioned a channel called Dixie Cryptid, which features stories and encounters from other people. These encounters are certainly intriguing and worth a closer look. The witness's descriptions of the creatures and the details of the encounters are consistent with other reports of Bigfoot sightings. The witness's fear and caution in approaching the creatures is also understandable. If you're interested in learning more about these encounters, be sure to check out the video on Real Eyes Tv's YouTube channel. And as always, if you have had a Bigfoot encounter of your own, we encourage you to share your story with us. Remember, do not let anyone discourage you from sharing your experiences. Believe in yourself and your encounters.