Personal Bigfoot Encounter: A Journey into the Mystery

Posted Friday, September 06, 2024

By staff

If you're a Bigfoot enthusiast, you're in for a treat. A YouTube channel called Alpha Docs has released a double episode titled "The Giant Enigma: In Search of Bigfoot | Don't Call Me Bigfoot" that's definitely worth watching. The video starts off by discussing the origins of the name "Bigfoot" and how it came to be associated with the large tracks found by early miners and explorers. The hosts then delve into the world of cryptozoology, the study of unknown animals, and how it relates to Bigfoot. They mention that while some cryptozoologists focus solely on unknown animals, others have reported seeing Bigfoot-like creatures in conjunction with UFO sightings. I found it interesting to hear about the hosts' personal experiences and backgrounds. One host, in particular, shares how their love for Bigfoot began as a child and was fostered by their mother's belief in the creature. They also discuss how their background in psychology and anthropology has helped them approach the subject of Bigfoot from a more informed perspective. The video also touches on the idea that Bigfoot may not be a single species, but rather a group of undiscovered primates. The hosts discuss the morphology of tracks and how the structure of the foot and body can differ from that of humans. They also mention the theory that Bigfoot may be a descendant of the extinct ape, Gigantopithecus. Towards the end of the video, the hosts share a personal encounter they had while coyote hunting in the Sierra Nevada mountains. They describe hearing footsteps and rocks being thrown, leading them to believe that they were being followed by something unknown. Overall, I would rate my