Alaskan Couple's Sasquatch Encounter: Mystery Fish Raids on Richardson Highway

Posted Saturday, July 27, 2024

By staff

Alaska, a place of vast wilderness and mystery, is known for its breathtaking landscapes and wildlife. But sometimes, the unknown makes its presence known in the most unexpected ways. Recently, a video was posted on YouTube by Remote Cabin Radio, sharing a firsthand account of a Class A Bigfoot sighting in Glenn Allen, Alaska. George Gilman, a seasoned Alaskan resident, was traveling along the Richardson Highway with his wife when they encountered something extraordinary. A massive two-legged figure darted across the road in front of their car, leaving them stunned and questioning what they had just witnessed. George described the creature as upright, furry, and humanlike in appearance, with dark fur tipped with orange highlights. Its powerful strides covered the distance between the road and the thick underbrush in just three steps. Months later, George began hearing eerie wood knocks coming from the dense woods behind his home, located at mile marker 109. With no close neighbors in that direction, he couldn't dismiss the possibility that the creature he had seen earlier was responsible for the strange sounds. Intrigued, he reached out to the renowned BFRO investigator, Matthew Money Maker, for insight and guidance. Matthew Money Maker, a BFRO investigator with extensive experience, delved into the details of George's sighting. He was particularly interested in the possibility of a connection between the creature and local fish wheels used by the Native community to catch salmon during their runs. These wheels, set up in late May, capture large quantities of fish, often more than the community needs. Matthew hypothesized that the creature might be responsible for nocturnal fish raids on the wheels, as the secluded location, untouched fish left in holding pens, and absence of any obvious culprits created a compelling picture. To test his theory, he suggested using trail cameras disguised within the structure of the fish wheels to capture evidence of the elusive creature's existence. As the salmon runs ebbed and flowed, George and his wife remained vigilant, their imaginations ignited by the mysterious wood knocks and the fleeting glimpse of the creature. Could it be that a Sasquatch, a creature of legend and lore, roamed the vast Alaskan wilderness, moving with the seasons and following the abundant salmon runs in spring and summer? The pieces of the puzzle seemed to fit, but the picture remained incomplete. Every trip down the Richardson Highway now held a new sense of anticipation and caution for George. The dense forest that once felt like a familiar companion now seemed shrouded in mystery. I encourage you to watch the full video and draw your own conclusions about this thrilling Class A Bigfoot sighting in Alaska. The wilderness continues to hold secrets and stories waiting to be discovered, and this encounter is a fascinating addition to the ongoing search for the elusive Sasquatch.