Cherokee Tribal Member's Encounter: Music, Sighting, and Communication with Bigfoot in Central Kentucky" Here's the JSO

Posted Thursday, April 25, 2024

By staff

In a recent video posted on the YouTube channel Bigfoot Outlaw, Rick Taylor shares his incredible encounter with what he believes to be a member of the Forest beings of the lost or forgotten tribe, also known as the Uni Udi. As a mixed-blood Tribal member of the Cherokee Nation, Rick has a deep respect for the native history and believes that these beings are not dumb animals, but rather a tribe and clan of people with intuition, reasoning, and intellect. During a camping trip with Charlie Raymond's group in Central Kentucky, Rick had a powerful experience. While one of the group members played amazing music on a guitar, Rick felt the spidey sense that the Uni Udi were watching them. He turned on his red cap light and saw a tall, upright bipedal figure in the foliage, moving back and forth and standing at 8 to 10 feet tall. Another group member joined Rick and was able to see the head and shoulders of the being through his scope. As they were observing the Uni Udi, they heard movement to their right. Rick believes that they were being flanked by another one. He explains that in the land of the Cherokee, the people would put out edible root and berries for the big guys in return for their protection during hunting and gathering endeavors. Rick called out to the Uni Udi in Cherokee, asking for their name. He received a response from one of the beings, which he captured on his audio. The response was a deep voice saying "claw no," which Rick believes is a cognizant response from the beings. This video is a must-watch for anyone interested in the Uni Udi and the native history surrounding them. The excitement and passion that Rick brings to his storytelling is contagious and will leave you wanting to hear more about his experiences. Be sure to check out the video and share your thoughts with us.