Childhood Bigfoot Encounter Ignites Lifelong Paranormal Quest: Eric Sludy & Daniel Perez's Sightings and Collections

Posted Tuesday, April 16, 2024

By staff

A fascinating account of a firsthand encounter with something otherworldly has recently emerged on the YouTube channel Penford Media. The channel's video, titled "Believe it or Not" (2024) Full Bigfoot Documentary, features an interview with Eric Sludy, host and producer of the Uncomfortable Podcast. Eric's interest in Bigfoot began when he was just 10 years old, after watching the movie "The Legend of Boggy Creek." Intrigued by the idea of man-like beasts roaming the woods, he and his best friend went to their local library to find books on the subject. Years later, Eric had a life-changing experience when he interviewed a Native American witch on his podcast. During the interview, something strange happened - a loud, bombastic sound permeated the room, causing Eric's body to react with chills and his hair to stand on end. Although his recording equipment did not pick up the sound, the experience left a lasting impression on him. Eric's encounter with this strange sound is reminiscent of the use of infrasound by Bigfoot, a theory that has been suggested by some researchers. The idea is that these creatures use low-frequency sounds to communicate or disorient their prey. The interviewee, Daniel Perez, is a union licensed electrician who has been following Bigfoot sightings and investigations for many years. He has the largest physical files on the subject in the world and has personal connections with famous Bigfoot investigators such as Renee de hinden and John Green. Daniel's expertise and personal experiences add credibility to the interview and make for a compelling listen. Whether you're a seasoned Bigfoot researcher or just a curious observer, this video is definitely worth checking out. I encourage all of our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts with us. Do you think Eric's experience was caused by Bigfoot using infrasound? Or could it have been something else entirely? Let us know in the comments below!