Mysterious Queensland Encounters: 7-Foot Yellow-Eyed Creature & Bigfoot Sightings

Posted Tuesday, April 09, 2024

By staff

A fascinating account of a Yowie encounter has been shared on The Shadow Files YouTube channel, and it's definitely worth a watch for anyone interested in the world of cryptozoology. The witness, Ray Doherty, describes his initial foray into the world of UFO research, which eventually led him to his first Yowie encounter in 1994. Ray and his team were investigating strange light sightings near an air force base in Southeast Queensland, Australia. They had set up their equipment, including a telescope and high-powered spotlights, when they suddenly caught a whiff of a powerful, offensive smell. Ray describes it as something that would make you put a mask over your nose, and after a while, it just stopped. But then, they heard an incredible scream coming from the thick forest area near the mountain. Ray recalls that it sounded like a man being violently crushed or squashed, and it left him and his team feeling shaken. Shortly after, they saw a pair of large yellow eyes in the distance, which they believed belonged to a Yowie. As they watched, the eyes moved towards them, and they could make out a shape in the darkness. Ray estimates that the creature was around 7 feet tall, and it was coming towards them quickly. In a panic, they threw everything into the backseat of their car and took off, breaking a $55,000 telescope in the process. Ray's second encounter with the Yowie occurred a year later, during a rainstorm. He was asleep in his car when he heard something walking around and growling outside. Suddenly, the car started rocking violently, and Ray could feel the pressure of the creature on the roof. His friends shone a high-powered spotlight on the beast, and Ray describes it as looking like a gigantic 8-foot grizzly bear. The Yowie roared at Ray's friends and then casually stepped over a 4-foot high fence and disappeared into the hills. When they examined the car in daylight, they saw two big dents in the roof, as if the creature had been pushing down on it. Ray's experiences are a fascinating glimpse into the world of Yowie sightings and offer a unique perspective on the creature's behavior. If you're interested in learning more, be sure to check out the full video on The Shadow Files YouTube channel.