Denali National Park: New Evidence of a Two-Legged Creature in Alaska's Wilderness?

Posted Friday, March 29, 2024

By staff

Alaska, the final frontier, a place of vast wilderness and mystery, where legends of unknown creatures run wild. Recently, photos have surfaced from Denali National Park that have caught the attention of many, including the YouTube channel Discovery. The photos in question appear to show unusual footprints, with three or four toe pads and seemingly made by something walking on two legs, rather than four. While the park service suggests it could be a wolf whose hind foot stepped in the exact same spot as the front foot, many are not convinced. Alaska is known for its rugged explorers and vast, punishing wilderness, with only a quarter of the state's nearly 665,000 square miles inhabited. The wildlife in Alaska is also not to be trifled with, as grizzly bears, Arctic wolves, and even moose pose a threat to humans. However, it's the undiscovered creature that some believe to be the most dangerous of them all, the Alaskan Sasquatch. Reports of encounters with the creature date back to 1899, during the Klondike gold rush, where US Army Captain W. Aomi reported an encounter with a minor who claimed his son had been killed by a hairy beast. The infamous case of Portlock, a village on the Kenai Peninsula, is also worth mentioning, where a string of disappearances and savage attacks were reportedly perpetrated by a large hairy manlike creature. Indigenous legends also speak of the Urayuli or Hairy Man, a beast said to be taller than a bear with shaggy fur, a strange call, and a penchant for punishing disobedient children. In recent years, there have been several reports of harrowing encounters with huge humanoid and often hairy creatures in Alaska. In the fall of 2021, a witness reported that his dog was killed by a possible Sasquatch near Susitna Creek. In early 2023, a witness in Copper Valley claimed to see a furry bipedal giant cross the highway. Most recently, an oyster farmer from Homer has come forward with tales of a disturbing encounter in Catmac Bay. While some believe these accounts to be a case of ancient folklore casting a long shadow, others believe there could be an undiscovered, unfathomably violent creature roaming the brutal Alaskan wilderness. The evidence and sightings are certainly intriguing, and it's clear that something is out there. Whether it's Sasquatch or something else, only time will tell. In the meantime, the YouTube channel Discovery has already lined up a witness who claims to have had a close encounter with a Sasquatch. The channel plans to investigate and get to the bottom of this compelling case. As for us, we encourage our readers to keep an open mind and stay safe, especially when hunting a monster that could be hunting you. Sources: * Denali National Park * The Last Frontier * The Alaskan Sasquatch * Indigenous Legends * Recent Sightings * The Hoia Baciu Forest * The Uinta Basin * Eloise Asylum * The Paranormal