An hour and a half sighting leads couple to conclude they saw a female Bigfoot

Posted Thursday, February 06, 2020

By staff

Tillamook County, Oregon: Sunday the 2nd, we packed up camp by noon and headed down to the Wilson River to cool off a bit. It was very hot. We drove down off of Ben Smith road going east on the flats road that follows the river. We crossed the river to lay in the sun. We were there for 10-15 minutes, when I saw someone or something down river about 45-50 yards swaying back & forth with its head down the whole time, while also moving up & down river with no problem at all. I didn't think much of it at first, but when Shawn my got up and moved to the middle of the river it spotted us--froze and then glared at us. Then I moved to the middle and didn't take my eyes off of it. It moved to the right of the river in some bushes somewhat hiding it seemed like. Then I knew something wasn't right, it had big hair & long arms. It didn't act human-like at all. I couldn't make out a face just eye sockets. I wondered what it was wearing winter clothes for when it was 90 degrees outside. They were not clothes. It had reddish-blonde like hair and was about 6ft tall. I have hunted and fished up at Lee's camp for years and have never seen anything like it before. After we got home that night we talked about it more, leaving us with a strange feeling. We know what it was now--a female BIGFOOT!!!!. via (Link: