MK Davis Analyzes Patterson Film: Sasquatch's True Weight and Biomechanics
Posted Sunday, March 24, 2024
By staff
In a recent video from the YouTube channel Greenwave2010fb, MK Davis discusses the potential weight of a Sasquatch, using the Patterson film as a reference point. According to Davis, when estimating the weight of a Sasquatch, there is often a lot of room for error, as people tend to put their own parameters on it. Davis mentions a report from the North American Science Institute, compiled by Jeff Glickman in the 90s, which estimated the weight of the Patterson film subject (often referred to as "Patty") to be around 1,400 pounds. This estimate was met with skepticism from many in the Bigfoot community, but Davis encourages keeping an open mind and considering the possibility that Sasquatch may weigh more than they appear to.
During a trip to Bluff Creek in 2015, Davis came across a series of tracks that he believes are evidence of the heavy weight of a Sasquatch. He points out the depth of the tracks and the way they pushed debris forward, indicating a significant amount of weight. Davis also mentions John Green's repeated assertion that the weight of a Sasquatch is its most distinctive feature, not its height.
Throughout the video, Davis emphasizes the importance of considering all evidence and remaining open-minded when it comes to the topic of Sasquatch. He encourages viewers to watch the Patterson film and consider the biomechanics of the subject's movements, as well as to keep in mind the potential for error when estimating weight.
I am always excited to see new discussions and perspectives on the topic of Sasquatch. This video from Greenwave2010fb offers an interesting take on the potential weight of a Sasquatch and encourages viewers to keep an open mind when it comes to this elusive creature. I highly recommend checking out the full video and forming your own opinion on the matter.