Three Chilling Bigfoot Encounters: Hearls, Hairy Hitchhikers, and Mysterious Disappearances
Posted Friday, March 22, 2024
By staff
A video posted on the YouTube channel Tattooed Biker Unexplained has caught the attention of the Bigfoot community. The video, titled "Disturbing Sasquatch Experiences: Three Viewer's True Stories Revealed," shares the accounts of three individuals who have had close encounters with Sasquatch.
The first account comes from a viewer named Landon, who saw a Sasquatch while staying at a logging camp in Northeast California in 1967. Landon and his grandparents heard strange howling sounds outside their cabin one night, and although they couldn't identify the animal, they knew it wasn't wolves or coyotes. The next day, Landon saw a Sasquatch while on a hike with his grandparents. He was watching for bears, as his grandmother had warned him about them, when he saw something dark between some big trees. As he looked closer, the creature turned its head and looked straight at him. Landon was in disbelief and didn't say anything, but he kept watching the spot where the Sasquatch had been. Eventually, it disappeared, and Landon never forgot the experience.
The second account comes from a truck driver who was making deliveries at night on a friend's land. As he was walking back to the farm, he heard a noise and shined his flashlight in the direction of the sound. Suddenly, something hit him hard, and he fell between two trees. The driver felt intense pain in his arm and shoulder and assumed he had been attacked by a bear. However, when he got up and ran back to his truck, he saw a hairy, man-like creature on the hood. The driver was terrified and honked his horn, hoping someone would hear him and come to his aid. Eventually, a police car arrived, and the Sasquatch ran off. The officer told the driver that they had had problems with Sasquatch in the area before and advised him to always carry a radio and never pull out a gun, as it would only make the creatures more aggressive.
The third and final account comes from a former Marine who was working as a rural letter carrier for the United States Postal Service. One day, while on his route, he saw a woman trying to flag him down for help. She claimed that a Sasquatch had grabbed her friend and taken her into the woods. Without thinking, the former Marine ran into the woods to look for the missing woman. He eventually spotted her being carried by a large, hairy creature. Suddenly, a helicopter appeared, and the crewman pointed a weapon at the Sasquatch. The former Marine became frightened and ran back to his vehicle. Later, he was told by two state troopers that he had spotted a biker survivalist who was wanted by the authorities. However, the former Marine was convinced that he had seen a Sasquatch.
These accounts are both fascinating and terrifying, and they remind us that Sasquatch is still a mystery that has yet to be fully understood. If you're interested in learning more, be sure to check out the video on Tattooed Biker Unexplained's YouTube channel. And, as always, keep an open mind and stay curious.