Family's Chilling Bigfoot Encounter in Monongalia National Forest

Posted Thursday, March 21, 2024

By staff

A chilling encounter with a Sasquatch in West Virginia's Monongahela National Forest was recently shared on the YouTube channel Sasquatch Theory. The video features an interview with a man named Matt, who recounts his family's terrifying experience while camping on Rock House Road along the Gauley River. Matt, his wife, and their nine-year-old daughter were camping when the daughter needed to use the restroom. As she walked up the path, she spotted a large, hairy creature. She described it as having black eyes, brown fur, and a cone-shaped head. The sight of the creature was so startling that she screamed and ran back to the campsite. Matt, who had his pistol beside him, immediately jumped up and ran towards the restroom area. He saw the creature standing on a flat rock, holding a spruce tree. In a panic, he fired his gun at the creature, but it quickly ran away. Matt's brother later joined the search, but they were unable to find any solid tracks. Matt's daughter provided more details about the creature's appearance, stating that it had a flat nose and long fingers with sharp nails. She also mentioned that the creature's head was cone-shaped, with the point facing downwards. This encounter is a stark reminder of the mysterious and elusive nature of Sasquatch. While many people are skeptical of their existence, stories like Matt's continue to surface, leaving many to wonder if there is more to the legend of Bigfoot than meets the eye. If you're interested in learning more about this encounter, be sure to check out the full video on Sasquatch Theory's YouTube channel. And, as always, if you have a Sasquatch encounter that you'd like to share, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.