Exploring Salt Spring State Park: Bigfoot Hunters' thrilling adventure

Posted Tuesday, March 19, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

In a recent video posted on the Sussex County Bigfoot YouTube channel, the team takes us on a Bigfoot hike through Salt Springs State Park in Pennsylvania. The park, which spans 420 acres, is known for its beautiful waterfalls and diverse ecosystems. The team starts their hike by crossing a small stream, where they encounter a lot of mud. They speculate that the mud may have been made by a large creature, such as Bigfoot, but it's impossible to know for sure. As they continue on the Hemlock Trail, they come across a fallen tree that has been piled up off the pathway. The team speculates that it may have been done by humans, but they can't be certain. Next, they arrive at Penny Rock, a local legend where a penny pounded into the rock crevices is said to bring good luck, but one removed spells misfortune. The team finds pennies stuck in the rock and takes a moment to appreciate the local folklore. As they continue their hike, they come across what appears to be a shotgun shell, indicating that they may be in a hunting area. They remind viewers to be cautious and aware of their surroundings when hiking in the wilderness. Throughout the video, the team shares their knowledge of the local area and its history, including the Quaker and Mennonite settlers who once lived in the region. They also discuss the various ecosystems and plant life they encounter on their hike. While the video doesn't provide any concrete evidence of Bigfoot, it's always exciting to join the Sussex County Bigfoot team on their adventures and learn more about the great outdoors. If you're interested in checking out the video for yourself, you can find it on the Sussex County Bigfoot YouTube channel.