Tom's Sasquatch Encounters: Ontario's Interdimensional Forest Creatures

Posted Monday, March 18, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from the Scarboro Sasquatch Station, Tom discusses the age-old question: who rules the woods, Sasquatch or Dogman? I was excited to delve into this fascinating topic. Tom begins by sharing his personal experiences with Sasquatch, describing them as big, hairy, and always crossing the road from right to left. He also talks about the possibility of interdimensional beings and other multi-dimensional realms. I found it particularly interesting when Tom mentioned the possibility of Sasquatch breaching the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) and moving closer to suburbia. He also mentioned the potential for Sasquatch sightings in the areas around Lake Ontario, Lake Simco, and the Bay, as well as the Orangeville to Albian Hills area. Tom also briefly touches on the topic of Dogman, another cryptid that is said to roam the woods. While he doesn't go into as much detail about Dogman as he does Sasquatch, it's still an interesting addition to the conversation. Overall, the video is a fascinating exploration of the world of Sasquatch and other cryptids. I highly recommend checking it out for yourself and forming your own opinions on the topic. Who do you think rules the woods, Sasquatch or Dogman? Let us know in the comments!