Bigfoot Encounter in Olympic National Park: A Witness's Story

Posted Sunday, March 17, 2024

By staff

A fascinating account of a possible Sasquatch encounter has been shared on the YouTube channel Small Town Monsters. The video, titled "The Curse of Sasquatch | Bigfoot: The Road to Discovery," features an interview with Derek Randles, the founder of the Olympic Project, and researcher Shane Corson. In the video, Derek Randles recounts his first Sasquatch sighting, which occurred in 1985 in the Olympic National Park in Washington state. While setting up camp with two friends, they heard rocks being thrown in their direction. When they turned to look, they saw a large, dark figure standing in the trees, watching them. This experience had a profound impact on Randles and led him to found the Olympic Project in 2008. Shane Corson's first possible Sasquatch sighting occurred in the Mount Hood National Forest in Oregon in 2011. While on a backpacking trip with two co-workers, they became lost and ended up hiking 17 miles that day. As they were setting up camp, Corson saw a large, dark figure moving in the trees. He was unable to get a clear view of the creature, but its size and movement convinced him that it was not a bear. Both Randles and Corson's accounts are captivating and add to the growing body of evidence suggesting that Sasquatch may indeed exist. The Olympic Project, led by Randles, is a multidisciplinary study involving many researchers, all working towards the goal of learning more about these elusive creatures. I am always excited to hear new accounts and learn more about these mysterious beings. The video by Small Town Monsters is definitely worth a watch for anyone interested in Sasquatch. It's always exciting to hear first-hand accounts from people who have had possible encounters with Sasquatch, and the video does a great job of presenting these accounts in an engaging and informative way. It's good to note that while the existence of Sasquatch is still debated by some, there is a growing body of evidence suggesting that these creatures may indeed be real. From footprints and hair samples to video footage and eyewitness accounts, there is much to consider when it comes to the mystery of Sasquatch. Wrapping up, the video by Small Town Monsters is a must-watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast. The first-hand accounts of Derek Randles and Shane Corson are captivating and add to the intrigue of the Sasquatch mystery. Whether you're a believer or a skeptic, the video is sure to leave you with plenty to think about. So, grab some popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the show!