Bigfoot Sighting in Devil's Corral Canyon: Witness Describes 7-8 ft Tall Creature
Posted Sunday, March 17, 2024
By staff
A new and intriguing account of a possible Bigfoot encounter has been brought to our attention, and we couldn't be more excited to share it with you! The testimony comes from a woman named Hope, who submitted her story to the YouTube channel Rocky Mountain Sasquatch.
Hope's encounter took place in Devil's Corral Canyon, near Twin Falls, Idaho, in July 1970. She and her friends were hiking in the canyon when they heard bipedal sounds and heavy breathing. As they continued their hike, they noticed an enormous, shadowy figure on a ledge, approximately 7 to 8 feet tall. Hope described it as having long hair and being incredibly muscular, with no visible neck. The group was so frightened that they ran back up the canyon road, not stopping until they reached the top.
Devil's Corral Canyon is an area known for its history of Bigfoot sightings, and the Snake River, which flows nearby, has long been associated with these elusive creatures. The Native American tribes of the region even have a name for them: Taha bits, or cannibal giants.
The Rocky Mountain Sasquatch team visited the site of Hope's encounter and shared her story in a captivating video. We highly recommend checking it out for a more immersive experience.
Hope's account is a fascinating addition to the ever-growing body of Bigfoot evidence. Her detailed description of the creature and the palpable fear in her voice as she recounts the story leave no doubt about the profound impact this encounter had on her.
As Bigfoot believers, we are always thrilled to learn about new sightings and encounters. Hope's story is a valuable contribution to our understanding of these mysterious creatures and their possible connection to the Snake River.
Remember, if you have a Bigfoot encounter or sighting to share, don't hesitate to reach out to us or submit your story through our website. We are here to listen, learn, and share your experiences with our fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts.
Happy Squatching!