Sasquatch & Paranormal Link Explored: Producers Share Bigfoot Encounters

Posted Wednesday, March 13, 2024

By staff

In a recent video from the Monsters Lounge Podcast, hosts Jenny and Tresa sit down with Tobe Johnson and Brett Eichenberger, co-producers of the "Flash of Beauty" documentaries, to discuss their experiences and research on the relationship between Sasquatch and the paranormal. Tobe and Brett have been intrigued by Sasquatch for years, with Tobe's interest sparked in childhood and Brett's investigation intensifying in the past three years. The two have had their own personal experiences with the elusive creature, including seeing eyeglow and being charged by one in Nebraska. Brett shares his experience of seeing an eye glow in Nebraska, captured in a photo he took with a cinematographer and producer. The eye has an almond shape and glows red, a very odd sight. He also talks about being bluff charged by a Sasquatch and hearing unmistakable SP responses while doing wood knocks. The group also discusses the Reptilian Brain and how it affects people's reactions when they encounter a Sasquatch. The Reptilian Brain, or primordial brain, is responsible for the fight or flight response and can leave people feeling paralyzed in fear. Tobe and Brett's experiences and research provide valuable insight into the world of Sasquatch and the paranormal. If you're interested in learning more about their encounters and investigations, be sure to check out the full video on the Monsters Lounge Podcast YouTube channel.