Bigfoot Sightings in Deadwood: Loggers' Chilling Encounters Revealed
Posted Tuesday, March 12, 2024
By staff
A recent video posted on YouTube by the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch organization has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts and researchers. The video, titled "Helicopter Log Crew Harassed by Bigfoot at Base Camp near Deadwood," shares the story of a helicopter logging crew that had three Bigfoot sightings in just 24 hours while working near the abandoned mining town of Deadwood.
The video begins by taking viewers on a tour of the old mining town, which was abandoned during World War II and is now owned by a rancher who rents out some of the cabins to loggers. The crew had been camping in the area for nearly a month when they discovered a large nest in the boiler room of what used to be the mining boss's home. The nest had a musky stench, leading the loggers to believe it was made by a large animal. After clearing out the nest, the crew began experiencing Bigfoot sightings.
The first sighting was by the loggers' water truck driver, who was filling up the truck at the Deadwood river at 3:00 a.m. He had a feeling of being watched and looked up to see a large, dark, and piercing set of eyes on the other side of the river. The creature was much taller than a man and moved upright and quietly from one tree to another, staring at the driver. The driver was so frightened that he put in his resignation the next day.
The second sighting was by the helicopter logging owner's 14-year-old son, who was deer hunting on the opening day of the season. He observed what he thought was a bear walking on its hind legs near the river. As he watched, the creature looked up and stared at him, causing a feeling of fear to run through him. The creature then proceeded to walk towards him, causing the boy to run back to camp as fast as he could. He described the creature as a dark brown to black covered bipedal animal, approximately 8 feet tall, with hands and not paws.
The final sighting was by the logging boss and his two sons, who were deer hunting and felt like they were being stalked by a bipedal creature. The creature was trying to stay hidden and started screaming at them from behind the trees and rocks.
The video is a fascinating account of a logging crew's encounters with Bigfoot. It's a reminder that Bigfoot sightings can happen anywhere, even in areas that have been heavily logged. The video also highlights the importance of respecting Bigfoot's habitat and avoiding disturbing their homes.
I encourage our readers to watch the video and share their thoughts with us. The more we learn about Bigfoot sightings and encounters, the better we can understand and protect these elusive creatures.