Two New York Encounters: Unidentified Tall, Dark Creatures in Wiwin Mountain and Chesterfield

Posted Saturday, March 09, 2024

By staff

A thrilling encounter with the elusive Sasquatch has been captured on video and shared on the Para-Mentis Channel by Piggsy Lamb. The video, titled "The Mysterious Sasquatch of Erwin: A Hunter's Encounter," recounts the experience of a seasoned hunter who encountered a 7-foot-tall, dark reddish-brown creature while hunting for spring turkeys in the serene environment of the Wiwin Mountain State Forest in Stuan County, New York. The hunter, with 42 years of experience, was perched at the base of a tree, calling out to the turkeys, when he noticed a figure 75 yards away, walking on two legs. At first, he thought it was another human, but as the figure came into clearer view, he realized it was no ordinary person. The creature disappeared behind a tree within 4-5 seconds, leaving the hunter stunned and intrigued. Just 13 days later, in the neighboring Essex County, New York, another witness reported seeing a black, towering figure standing next to a large white pine tree along Dugway Road in Chesterfield. The figure quickly disappeared down the hill, leaving the witness puzzled and intrigued. These encounters serve as a reminder that there are still mysteries tucked away in the corners of our world, waiting to be discovered. Whether these were sightings of the elusive Sasquatch or something else entirely, the allure of the unknown continues to captivate and intrigue us. I encourage readers to watch the video and share their thoughts. The world around us is teeming with mysteries, and the thrill of the chase and the tantalizing possibility of discovering something truly extraordinary is what keeps us going. I am always excited to hear about new sightings and encounters. The