Hikers' Encounter with Bigfoot in Utah's Cuberant Basin

Posted Friday, March 08, 2024

By Squatchable.com staff

A fascinating Bigfoot sighting from 1977 has recently resurfaced, and it's definitely worth taking a closer look at. The sighting was reported by eight hikers in the Kubant Basin, near Kubant Lake in Utah. According to the report, the hikers saw a Bigfoot-like creature while they were exploring the area. They immediately notified conservation officers and even tried to take pictures of the creature, but to no avail. The sighting was later reported in the Carl's Bad Current Argus on September 1, 1977. The Kubant Basin is a beautiful and remote area, surrounded by mountains and forests. It's the perfect habitat for a Sasquatch, and the fact that eight people saw the creature makes this sighting even more compelling. To get a better understanding of the area, I took a closer look at the maps and images available online. The hikers would have had to hike a few miles to reach the lake, but the area is full of hiking trails and it's easy to see why they would have chosen to explore it. The lake itself is small and clear, surrounded by forests and bare rock. It's easy to imagine a Sasquatch hiding in the woods, watching the hikers as they pass by. Unfortunately, there are no Google Street View images available for the area, but there are some photos taken at Kubant Lake. They show a beautiful and serene landscape, with people camping and enjoying the outdoors. What's even more interesting is that the sighting was reported to conservation officers, which shows that the hikers took the sighting seriously and wanted to document it. This is just one more piece of evidence that supports the existence of Bigfoot. If you're interested in learning more about this sighting, be sure to check out the full video on GIS Bigfoot Answers. And if you have your own Bigfoot sighting to report, you can do so on their Patreon page. Overall, this 1977 Bigfoot sighting in Utah is a fascinating addition to the growing body of evidence supporting the existence of Sasquatch. It's a reminder that Bigfoot sightings can happen anywhere, at any time, and that there's always more to learn about these elusive creatures.