Investigating the Enigmatic 'Red Devils' of Copper River Valley
Posted Thursday, March 07, 2024
By staff
In a thrilling new video from the YouTube channel Rush NZ, the team goes on a daring quest to uncover the truth about the elusive Red Devils, or as we like to call them, Bigfoots. The video, titled "Bigfoot Hunts, Traps & More Scary Moments Of Season 2 Of Alaska Monsters," takes us on a wild ride as the team explores the Copper River Valley in Alaska.
The video starts off with the team examining some strange markings on a tree, which they believe may be territorial signs left behind by the Red Devils. They take measurements and discuss the possibility of these markings being related to Bigfoot behavior.
As the team ventures deeper into the valley, they start to hear strange noises and sense that they are being stalked. They decide to set up a night reconnaissance mission to see if they can catch a glimpse of these mysterious creatures.
The team splits up and heads out into the darkness, armed with thermal cameras and a sense of adventure. As they beat on the trees and make their presence known, they start to hear loud noises and movement all around them. They quickly realize that they are surrounded by multiple Bigfoots, and they make a hasty retreat back to safety.
The team is shaken but excited by their encounter, and they decide to take to the skies to get a better view of the area. They use an Alaska bush plane to fly over the valley, searching for any signs of Bigfoot activity. From the air, they spot a grove of cottonwood trees that matches the description given by their first eyewitness.
On the ground, the team discovers a massive 22-inch footprint, which they believe belongs to an alpha male Bigfoot. They are in awe of the size and power of this creature, and they realize that they are dealing with something much bigger and more dangerous than they had initially thought.
The team decides to change their strategy and go after the biggest, baddest Bigfoot in the woods, which they call Thunderfoot. They set up a trap and use a predator call to lure him in, hoping to capture him and learn more about his behavior.
As they wait in anticipation, they hear loud noises and movement all around them. Suddenly, Thunderfoot appears, and the team is faced with the challenge of their lives. They must use all their skills and knowledge to outsmart this powerful creature and come out on top.
Overall, this video is a must-watch for any Bigfoot enthusiast. The team's bravery and determination are truly inspiring, and their encounters with these mysterious creatures are both thrilling and thought-provoking. Be sure to check out the full video on Rush NZ's YouTube channel and let us know what you think!