Exploring Exciting Bigfoot Evidence: Footprints, Branches, and Eye Shine
Posted Wednesday, March 06, 2024
By Squatchable.com staff
I'm always on the lookout for new and intriguing videos that may provide evidence of the existence of these elusive creatures. Recently, I came across a video posted on YouTube by the channel The CameraMan, titled "The Recon - Ohio Bigfoot Area."
In the video, The CameraMan takes us on a nighttime exploration of a wooded area in Ohio, where he has discovered some interesting signs that suggest the presence of Bigfoot. He starts by playing a recording of a tree knock, a common vocalization used by Bigfoot to communicate with each other, and asks if it was the creature that answered him. Unfortunately, he doesn't receive a reply.
As he continues his trek, he comes across some fresh-looking prints, which he believes could be from a Bigfoot. He also finds what looks like a possible nesting area, surrounded by prickers, and a tree break that is about 15 feet high. The CameraMan notes that it would be highly unlikely for the wind to cause such a break at that height.
One of the most interesting finds in the video is what appears to be a spoor, or a trail made by a Bigfoot. The CameraMan shows us how the trail is being used by something, as the branches and thorn trees have been disturbed and dragged into the middle of the trail. He also finds a thorn tree that has been knocked down, which is a rare occurrence as thorn trees are not easily broken.
As The CameraMan continues to explore the area, he comes across even more signs of Bigfoot activity, including large prints and a possible nesting area. He also has an encounter with what he believes to be ey shine, or the reflection of light off of a Bigfoot's eyes.
Throughout the video, The CameraMan maintains a sense of excitement and curiosity as he investigates the area. His findings are intriguing and suggest that there may be Bigfoot activity in the region. I found the video to be both fascinating and thought-provoking. I encourage all fellow Bigfoot enthusiasts to check out the video and form their own opinions.