Mountain Giants: The Tallest Sasquatch Variants in Alaska and Canada

Posted Tuesday, March 05, 2024

By staff

If you're a fan of all things mysterious and unexplained, then you'll want to check out the latest video from the YouTube channel KoR Live! In their series "Bigfoot Iceberg," the hosts delve into the fascinating world of Sasquatch sightings and encounters. In the final episode of the series, the hosts discuss the topic of "Missing Pets and Food." According to their research, in areas where Sasquatch activity is high, homesteads may experience incidents of missing pets or food. This can include whole bucks disappearing from sheds or pets like dogs, cats, and even chickens going missing. However, the hosts note that it's good to consider other possible explanations for these occurrences, such as the presence of foxes or coyotes. But the real excitement of this episode comes when the hosts discuss their favorite subvariant of Sasquatch: the Mountain Giants. These creatures are said to be even larger than Sasquatch, with reported heights ranging from 15 to 25 feet tall. They are often described as being more aggressive and are reported to have tusks and use tools. The hosts mention a man from Montana who goes by the name Rocky, who has dedicated himself to investigating reports of these Mountain Giants. According to Rocky, these creatures are not just limited to the Northwest Territories of Canada, but have also been sighted in Alaska, Northern Canada, and even as far south as the mountain Plains Foothill area of Montana. I found this episode to be particularly intriguing. The idea of even larger, more aggressive Sasquatch-like creatures roaming the wilderness is both thrilling and terrifying. I highly recommend checking out this video and the rest of the series for a deeper dive into the world of Sasquatch. And who knows, maybe you'll be inspired to start your own investigation into these mysterious creatures.