Sasquatch Sighting in Mark Twain Forest: Investigating Tracks and Energy Portals
Posted Tuesday, March 05, 2024
By staff
A recent video posted on YouTube by the channel Sasquatch Theory has caught the attention of Bigfoot enthusiasts. In the video, titled "CAMPING FOR BIGFOOT IN OZARKS | INVESTIGATING THE MARK TWAIN NATIONAL FOREST (PART 2)," the team explores the Mark Twain National Forest, where they suspect Sasquatch are living.
The video starts off with the team making a "Sasquatch breakfast" of bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches. They then head out to explore the mountains and search for evidence of the elusive creature.
As they make their way through the forest, they come across a variety of interesting finds, including a "Z tree" and what appears to be a rock formation. They also find scat, which they believe to be from a Sasquatch.
One of the most intriguing finds of the day is what appears to be a tree break, which the team believes was caused by a Sasquatch. They also find what they believe to be a Bigfoot track, with a clear heel and four toes visible.
As the team continues to explore, they come across a hill that seems to keep going up and up. They eventually reach the top and are rewarded with a beautiful view of the surrounding area.
Throughout the video, the team shares their knowledge and experiences with Sasquatch, making for an informative and entertaining watch. They encourage viewers to share their own Sasquatch sightings and experiences in the comments.
If you're a Bigfoot believer, this video is definitely worth a watch. The team's enthusiasm and passion for the subject is contagious, and their finds and experiences are sure to leave you wanting more. You can check out the video for yourself on the Sasquatch Theory YouTube channel.