Grizzled Hunter's Goblin Encounter: Partner Killed by Mysterious Two-Legged Beast

Posted Tuesday, March 05, 2024

By staff

A chilling tale of a close encounter with a mysterious creature has been shared on the YouTube channel Squatch-D TV. The video, titled "Bigfoot Takes Revenge: The Bauman Story as Told by Teddy Roosevelt," relates the harrowing experience of two frontiersmen as they come face to face with a being that defies explanation. The story is told by a grizzled mountain hunter named Bowman, who recounts the tale of his friend Balman and his partner, who were trapping in a remote and desolate pass in the mountains. The pass had an evil reputation, as a solitary hunter had been killed there the previous year, seemingly by a wild beast. Despite the eerie reputation of the area, Balman and his partner ventured into the pass, determined to find the abundant beavers rumored to inhabit the region. Upon reaching a small glade where they decided to camp, the two men were surprised to find that something, possibly a bear, had rummaged through their belongings and destroyed their lean-to. As they examined the tracks left behind, Balman's partner noted that the footprints seemed to be made by two legs rather than four. This observation was initially dismissed, but later that night, Balman was awakened by a strong wild beast odor and the looming presence of a large body outside their lean-to. He fired his rifle at the shadowy figure, but it quickly disappeared into the darkness. The following day, the two men discovered that their lean-to had been destroyed once again, and they could hear branches crackling and a harsh, grating moan emanating from the forest across the brook. Despite the unsettling sounds, they decided to stay and keep a roaring fire throughout the night, taking turns standing guard. As the sun rose the next morning, the men decided to abandon their camp and return to civilization. However, as they collected their traps, Balman had the uneasy feeling that they were being followed. Upon reaching the edge of a small glade, Balman called out to his companion, only to find his friend's lifeless body beside a fallen spruce tree, his neck broken and four large fang marks in his throat. The footprints of the unknown beast were deeply imprinted in the soft soil, telling a chilling story of an attack from a creature that defies conventional understanding. Balman, traumatized by the encounter, abandoned all his belongings except for his rifle and fled the scene at breakneck speed. This haunting tale of a close encounter with a mysterious creature serves as a reminder of the unknown and unexplained phenomena that still exist in the world today. The video leaves many questions unanswered, inviting viewers to draw their own conclusions about the true nature of the creature that attacked Balman and his partner. If you're intrigued by this captivating story, be sure to watch the video on Squatch-D TV's YouTube channel and share your thoughts with the Bigfoot community.