Bigfoot Sightings in British Columbia: Four-Year Cycles, Strange Lights, and Near Extinction Encounters
Posted Tuesday, March 05, 2024
By staff
A recent video from the YouTube channel Tales from the Mysterious Side has caught the attention of the Bigfoot community. The video, titled "Sasquatch Exposed," discusses various sightings and encounters with Sasquatch in British Columbia, Canada.
The video begins by discussing an article from one of the channel's books, which provides details about the Sasquatch in British Columbia. The article mentions strange lights that appear and disappear every four years in the same spot where the hairy man is sighted. It also mentions that there are two groups of Sasquatch that war with each other and fight to near extinction. A buzzing noise can sometimes be heard when they are around, and they affect humans in that way.
One notable encounter discussed in the video is that of Millie Saul of the shahal reserve. She had a harrowing experience with the Sasquatch when one approached her home during the afternoon. Several nights later, she heard a prowler and saw the creature rubbing its hand over the window pane.
The video goes on to mention the unusual year of 2020, with violently varying weather, universal human unrest, droughts, grasshopper plagues, and other phenomena. It notes that there have been various reports of seeing some sort of Sasquatch in different parts of the world, and that the reality of these creatures is affirmed by scores of eyewitnesses.
The video also discusses the legend of the Sasquatch among the chahalis Indians and those of the squa reservation near chiliwack in the Harrison Lake District. The Indians, who have seen every spring time every fourth year the light of a great fire on one of the highest peaks of the chahalis range, believe that these periodic returns to some ancient gathering place bring the Sasquatch close to civilized areas.
The video concludes by mentioning the scientific board connected with the Museum of Vancouver, which is skeptical regarding the existence of any such remnant of a race that once might have roamed the forested regions. However, the video argues that the eyewitness reports have always been reluctantly given, and there may be many more.
Overall, the video provides a fascinating look at various sightings and encounters with Sasquatch in British Columbia, Canada. It is definitely worth a watch for anyone interested in the Bigfoot phenomenon.