Bigfoot Mugshot Analysis Revisited: Unveiling Authenticity and Non-Human Features

Posted Sunday, March 03, 2024

By staff

A new video has been making the rounds in the Bigfoot community, and it's a follow-up to the "Bigfoot Mug Shot" video that caused quite a stir. The video, posted by the YouTube channel StrangeSpotting, takes a closer look at the controversial mug shot photo and offers a rebuttal to those who claim it's a composite. The video's creator argues that the photo is not a composite of different parts of different faces, as some have suggested. They point out that the face in the photo has asymmetrical features, which they argue is a sign of authenticity. They also take issue with the idea that the hair color in the photo was altered with software, stating that they never made such a claim in the first place. One of the most interesting points made in the video is the argument that the photo shows non-human skin flaws that could be caused by a different cranial structure. The creator also points out the regularity, asymmetry, and complexity of wrinkles and scars, as well as the different eye morphology and leathery texture of the skin. They argue that these details could not have been replicated in a composite, and that the photo is therefore likely to be genuine. The creator of the video also takes aim at those who have dismissed the mug shot as a hoax, arguing that they have not provided any concrete evidence to support their claims. They argue that the photo is consistent with real sunlight in a real setting, and that the red tint that can be seen in the photo is consistent with chemical degradation of photographic paper. Overall, the video is a fascinating look at the ongoing debate surrounding the Bigfoot mug shot photo. While some may still be skeptical, the video makes a compelling case for the photo's authenticity. Whether you're a believer or not, it's definitely worth a watch.